Born as Alberto Favata in Piacenza, Simon Luca was among the respectable figures of Italian Rock through the first half of the 70's. He started his career as Alberto Oro, having already moved to Milan, releasing some singles in a Beat style at the end of the 60's, before launching his first album ''Da tremila anni'' on Victory as Simon Luca. Later he found his own backing band L'Enorme Maria, featuring some great members of the Milanese Rock scene, such as Ricky Belloni of New Trolls and Nuova Idea fame, his brother Gigi, Eugenio Finardi, Alberto Camerini, Lucio "Violino" Fabbri (later a member of Premiata Forneria Marconi), the last drummer of Nuova Idea Flaviano Cuffari, keyboardist Franco Orlandini, harmonica player Fabio Treves and Donatella Bardi.
Barbaresques, boucaniers, flibustiers, guerres de course, abordages, razzias, butins, partages de prises, chasses au trésor, canonnades… Corsaires et pirates jalonnent de leurs exploits la vie maritime et peuplent notre imaginaire. Voici le premier dictionnaire historique sur ces aventuriers des mers …