100 мм Танковые Пушки Д10 Т, Д10 ТГ и Д10 Т2с. Руководство Службы

100 Balas: Hermano Lono  Comics

Posted by Coda at Nov. 5, 2017
100 Balas: Hermano Lono

100 Balas: Hermano Lono
ECC Cómics, 2014 | Spanish | CBR | 191 págs. | 94.2 MB
Guión: Brian Azzarello; Dibujo: Eduardo Risso

Se trata de un thriller cuyo planteamiento comienza con un hombre al que conocemos como agente Graves presentándose ante diferentes personas con un maletín que contiene una pistola, 100 balas irrastreables e información sobre la persona que les arruinó la vida, y les da carta blanca para que hagan lo que mejor les parezca. Según se desarrolla la obra, vemos que la trama se complica cada vez más y nos damos cuenta de que en realidad todo gira en torno a la guerra interna de una organización conocida como “el Trust” contra “los Milicianos”, que se encargaban del trabajo sucio de dicha organización y de los cuales formaba parte Lono, que venía a ser el más sádico, caótico e impredecible de todos.

100 balas - Integral 2  Comics

Posted by Coda at Dec. 20, 2019
100 balas - Integral 2

100 balas - Integral 2
Planeta Cómic, 2011 | Spanish | CBR | 628 páginas | 850 MB
Guión: Brian Azzarello; Dibujo: Eduardo Risso

El mejor cómic de serie negra por fin en una edición exclusiva y única. 100 BALAS trata sobre personajes, en principio inconexos, que tienen algún ajuste de cuenta pendiente y a quienes visita el agente Graves con una propuesta cuanto menos interesante: pruebas de quién les arruinó la vida junto a un maletín con una pistola y 100 balas irrastreables. A partir de ahí, que cada uno decida qué camino seguir… Un camino formado por un tapiz de conexiones, conspiraciones y tramas secundarias que poco a poco forman un único mosaico de asesinatos y traiciones. En un mundo en el que el blanco y negro no se diferencia, 100 BALAS se ha convertido en el mejor exponente del género negro de los últimos años, sin ninguna obra que le haga sombra ni en cine ni en literatura.

F-100 Super Sabre in detail & scale (D&S Vol. 33)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Oleksandr74 at Feb. 9, 2021
F-100 Super Sabre in detail & scale (D&S Vol. 33)

Bert Kinzey - F-100 Super Sabre in detail & scale
Tab Books, Airlife Publishing | 1989 | ISBN: 0830680446, 1853106151 | 76 pages | PDF | 61.77 MB
D&S Vol. 33

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Episode 04 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at July 7, 2019
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Episode 04 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Episode 04 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
BDRip 1080p | MKV | AVC 1440x1080, ~ 3.8 Mbps | 2h 54mn | 5.13 GB
English (Silent, Music score): AC3, 2 ch, 448 kbps
BDRip 720p | MKV | AVC 960x720, ~ 2.6 Mbps | 2h 54mn | 3.45 GB
English (Silent, Music score): AC3, 2 ch, 256 kbps
Subtitles: English (Intertitles)
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR6 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 14, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR6 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 6 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 06/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~23.0 Mbps | 2hr 07mn + 1hr 43mn + 0hr 37mn | 46,5 GB
German: LPCM Audio, 1 ch, 1152 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR7 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 16, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR7 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 7 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 07/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~23.0 Mbps | 1hr 31mn + 2hr 18mn | 42,2 GB
English: LPCM Audio, 1 ch, 1152 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR3 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 8, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR3 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 3 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 03/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~34.0 Mbps | 2hr 03mn | 32,9 GB
German: LPCM Audio, 2 ch, 2304 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR5 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 12, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR5 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 5 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 05/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~22.0 Mbps | 3hr 12mn | 45,1 GB
Dutch: LPCM Audio, 2 ch, 2304 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR8 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 18, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR8 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 8 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 08/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~35.8 Mbps | 1hr 43mn | 29,1 GB
Norwegian: LPCM Audio, 1 ch, 1152 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR4 (2017)  Movies

Posted by RSU75 at Jan. 10, 2018
100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. BR4 (2017)

100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012. Blu-Ray 4 (2017) [Criterion Collection, Spine #900]
Blu-Ray, 04/32-Disc Box Set | BDMV | AVC, 1920x1080, ~22.0 Mbps | 4hr 10mn | 44,8 GB
Italian: LPCM Audio, 2 ch, 2304 kbps
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, Sports

Spanning fifty-three movies and forty-one editions of the Olympic Games, 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012 is the culmination of a monumental, award-winning archival project encompassing dozens of new restorations by the International Olympic Committee.