Nightmoves first aired on Channel Seven on May 13 1977. The Seven Network owned exclusive Australian rights to footage from overseas shows such as Midnight Express and decided to launch an adult version of Countdown along the lines of UK's Old Grey Whistle Test, concentrating on live footage rather than video clips, album music rather than pop…
The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra was founded by Daniel Barenboim and the late Edward Said. It consists of young, highly talented Israeli and Arabian musicians and was founded to increase the dialogue between young people in the Middle East and represent the peaceful collaboration of the two cultures. In standard comparable to the most established orchestras, it combines tonal beauty and transparency with youthful expressiveness, passion and exuberance. This technically brilliant and incredibly enthusiastic orchestra brings out all levels of Beethoven’s 9th symphony and we listen to Beethoven at his very best: exuberant, emotional, lucid, tender, clear, triumphant… simply magnificent!Needless to say, Daniel Barenboim conducts excellently and outstanding singers Angela Denoke, Waltraud Meier, Burkhard Fritz and René Pape contribute tremendously to this unforgettable concert.
The CD, unreleased as always, is dedicated to two masterpieces by Ludwig van Beethoven: the Trio op. 3 in E flat major and the Trio op. 9 no. 3 in C minor. They are performed by the New Italian String Trio formed by Alessandro Milani, violin; Luca Ranieri, viola and Pierpaolo Toso, cello. All three first parts of the Rai National Symphony Orchestra.