978 1412941044

Molecular Medicine: How Science Works  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at April 21, 2023
Molecular Medicine: How Science Works

Molecular Medicine: How Science Works by Carsten Carlberg , Eunike Velleuer , Ferdinand Molnár
English | PDF,EPUB | 2023 | 708 Pages | ISBN : 3031271327259.4 MB

The fascinating area of molecular medicine provides a molecular and cellular description of health and disease. Starting with the understanding of gene regulation and epigenetics, i.e., the interplay of transcription factors and chromatin, this book will provide an fundamental basis of nearly all processes in physiology, both in health as well as in most common disorders, such as cancer, diabetes as well as in autoimmune diseases. Most non-communicable human diseases have a genetic (= inherited) as well as an epigenetic component. The later one is based on our lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Many common diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, can be explained only to some 20% via a genetic predisposition. We cannot change the genes that we are born with but we can take care of the remaining 80% being primarily based on our epigenome. Therefore, there is a high level of individual responsibility for staying healthy. Thus, not only biologists and biochemists should be aware of this topic, but all students of biomedical disciplines will benefit from being introduced into the concepts of molecular medicine. This will provide them with a good basis for their specialized disciplines of modern life science research.

Hippolyte Taine, "Les Origines de la France contemporaine", 5 volumes  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Feb. 9, 2019
Hippolyte Taine, "Les Origines de la France contemporaine", 5 volumes

Hippolyte Taine, "Les Origines de la France contemporaine", 5 volumes
2016 | ISBN: See List Under Cut | Français | PDF | 1595 pages | 11.5 MB

Dans "Les Origines de la France contemporaine", son œuvre majeure, entreprise au lendemain de la débâcle de 1870, Hippolyte Taine (1828-1893) s’interroge sur les causes profondes qui ont conduit la France à la défaite… Il a connu quatre régimes politiques: Restauration, monarchie de Juillet, IIe République, second Empire; un cinquième est en gestation - république ou monarchie - depuis la journée parisienne du 4 septembre 1870. Il a traversé trois révolutions, sans compter d’innombrables journées révolutionnaires, préludes à la Commune. …

Colloquial Cantonese: The Complete Course for Beginners  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by step778 at Jan. 9, 2023
Colloquial Cantonese: The Complete Course for Beginners

Dana Scott Bourgerie, Keith S T Tong, Gregory James, "Colloquial Cantonese: The Complete Course for Beginners"
English | 2010 | pages: 305 | ISBN: 0415478871 | PDF | 2,7 mb

Molecular Medicine: How Science Works  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Dec. 16, 2023
Molecular Medicine: How Science Works

Molecular Medicine: How Science Works by Carsten Carlberg , Eunike Velleuer , Ferdinand Molnár
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 708 Pages | ISBN : 3031271327 | 231.1 MB

The fascinating area of molecular medicine provides a molecular and cellular description of health and disease. Starting with the understanding of gene regulation and epigenetics, i.e., the interplay of transcription factors and chromatin, this book will provide an fundamental basis of nearly all processes in physiology, both in health as well as in most common disorders, such as cancer, diabetes as well as in autoimmune diseases. Most non-communicable human diseases have a genetic (= inherited) as well as an epigenetic component. The later one is based on our lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Many common diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, can be explained only to some 20% via a genetic predisposition. We cannot change the genes that we are born with but we can take care of the remaining 80% being primarily based on our epigenome. Therefore, there is a high level of individual responsibility for staying healthy. Thus, not only biologists and biochemists should be aware of this topic, but all students of biomedical disciplines will benefit from being introduced into the concepts of molecular medicine. This will provide them with a good basis for their specialized disciplines of modern life science research.

Collection 11 eBooks sur les sectes  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at June 12, 2018
Collection 11 eBooks sur les sectes

Collection 11 eBooks sur les sectes
French | 2008-2015 | EPUB | 11 books | 7 MB

Dans ce pack, vous trouverez: …

Colloquial Gujarati  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Jan. 15, 2019
Colloquial Gujarati

Colloquial Gujarati By Jagdish Dave
1995 | 144 Pages | ISBN: 0415091969 | PDF | 5 MB

Colloquial Urdu: The Complete Course for Beginners (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at Jan. 6, 2019
Colloquial Urdu: The Complete Course for Beginners (Repost)

Colloquial Urdu: The Complete Course for Beginners By Tej K. Bhatia, Ashok Koul
2013 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 0415586984 | PDF | 154 MB

Vadim Zeland, "Transurfing", 5 tomes  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Oct. 2, 2019
Vadim Zeland, "Transurfing", 5 tomes

Vadim Zeland, "Transurfing", 5 tomes
Exergue | 2010-2014 | ISBN: See List Under Cut | Français | PDF | 692 pages | 99.6 MB

Le Transurfing est une technique de développement personnel mise au point par le physicien Vadim Zeland. La première fois que cette idée lui est apparue, c'est au cours d'un rêve ordinaire. Depuis, sous l'effet d'une fulgurance, l'auteur a écrit ce livre qui a transformé la vie de millions de personnes dans le monde. Transurfing, terme proposé par l'auteur, nous apprend que nous pouvons créer nous-mêmes la réalité que nous souhaitons et que nous aimons. Pour cela, il suffit d'appliquer une technique simple et rigoureusement scientifique, fondée sur les lois de la physique quantique. …

Colloquial Chinese: The Complete Course for Beginners Ed 2  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at Jan. 9, 2021
Colloquial Chinese: The Complete Course for Beginners  Ed 2

Qian Kan, "Colloquial Chinese: The Complete Course for Beginners Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 0415434157 | 2009 | 384 pages | EPUB | 31 MB

Malet et Isaac, "L'Histoire", 4 tomes  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at June 27, 2018
Malet et Isaac, "L'Histoire", 4 tomes

Malet et Isaac, "L'Histoire", 4 tomes
Hachette | 2002 | ISBN: See List Under Cut | French | DJVU | 1260 pages | 16.5 MB

Un manuel classique, qui a formé des générations successives de lycéens : le « Malet-Isaac » occupe une place de choix dans la mémoire scolaire française. Son succès fut aussi la sanction de ses qualités : un récit chronologique bien construit, écrit dans une langue claire, qui constitue un aide-mémoire de choix pour tous publics. …