Tout le monde devrait connaitre certaines oeuvres classiques. Les requiems de Mozart ou de de Saint Sens en font parti, à mes yeux.
Trombonist J.J. Johnson's 1960 sextet is featured on this Columbia CD. Most notable among the sidemen is a rather young trumpeter named Freddie Hubbard on one of his first sessions; also helping out are tenor saxophonist Clifford Jordan, pianist Cedar Walton, bassist Arthur Harper and drummer Albert "Tootie" Heath. Seven of the compositions (which are joined by Dizzy Gillespie's "Blue 'N' Boogie") are Johnson's and, although none caught on, "Mohawk," "In Walked Horace" and "Fatback" (which is heard in two versions) are all fairly memorable. The six songs on the original LP are joined by three others from the same dates.
L'heure espagnole is a French one-act opera from 1911, described as a comédie musicale, with music by Maurice Ravel to a French libretto by Franc-Nohain, based on Franc-Nohain's 1904 play ('comédie-bouffe') of the same name. The opera, set in Spain in the 18th century, is about a clockmaker whose unfaithful wife attempts to make love to several different men while he is away, leading to them hiding in, and eventually getting stuck in, her husband's clocks. The title can be translated literally as "The Spanish Hour", but the word "heure" also means "time" – "Spanish Time", with the connotation "How They Keep Time in Spain".
Agatha Raisin, c’est une Miss Marple d’aujourd’hui. Une quinqua qui n’a pas froid aux yeux, fume comme un pompier et boit sec. Sans scrupule, pugnace, à la fois exaspérante et attendrissante, elle vous fera mourir de rire !
« L’Agatha Raisin de M.C. Beaton est un véritable trésor national. » - The Times
De toute évidence, Agatha n’était pas la seule à souhaiter la disparition de sa rivale…
Public concerné : - étudiants en informatique (Bac+2 à Bac+5) : DUT, BTS, LP, Master, écoles d'ingénieurs - professionnels en formation continue. Objectifs : - découvrir ou approfondir la modélisation UML - savoir implémenter avec le langage C++ une conception écrite en UML - utiliser les patrons de conception (design patterns) en UML comme en C++. Contenu : - 3 chapitres de cours, conseils, exemples - plus de 40 exercices corrigés, de difficulté croissante - un TP d'application complet - des conseils pratiques et simples - des liens vers des outils gratuits. …