Transients for Electrical Engineers: Elementary Switched-Circuit Analysis in the Time and Laplace Transform Domains (with a touch of MATLAB®) by Paul J. NahinEnglish | PDF,EPUB | 2018 (2019 Edition) | 209 Pages | ISBN : 3319775979 | 9.04 MB
This book offers a concise introduction to the analysis of electrical transients aimed at students who have completed introductory circuits and freshman calculus courses. While it is written under the assumption that these students are encountering transient electrical circuits for the first time, the mathematical and physical theory is not ‘watered-down.’ That is, the analysis of both lumped and continuous (transmission line) parameter circuits is performed with the use of differential equations (both ordinary and partial) in the time domain, and the Laplace transform. The transform is fully developed in the book for readers who are not assumed to have seen it before. The use of singular time functions (unit step and impulse) is addressed and illustrated through detailed examples.