Altair Mechanical Solvers 2023 1 1 Hotfix Only X644

Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 HotFix  Software

Posted by scutter at June 11, 2020
Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 HotFix

Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.1 HotFix | 996.8 mb

Altair announces the release of FluxMotor 2019.1.1, a dedicated platform focusing on the pre-design of electric rotating machines. Apart from fixes in the detected issues, this version also hosts noteworthy enhancements and implementations.

Altair Inspire Cast 2023.1 (4802)  Software

Posted by scutter at March 2, 2024
Altair Inspire Cast 2023.1 (4802)

Altair Inspire Cast 2023.1 (4802) | 3.9 Gb

The Altair Inspire products development team is pleased to announce the availability of Inspire Cast 2023.1 is a guided casting process simulation software developed with end users in mind.

Altair EDEM Professional 2023.1  Software

Posted by scutter at Feb. 3, 2024
Altair EDEM Professional 2023.1

Altair EDEM Professional 2023.1 | 1.2 Gb

Altair, a global technology company providing solutions in product development, high-performance computing and data analytics, is pleased to announce the availability of Altair EDEM Professional 2023.1, the market leading Discrete Element Method (DEM) software for bulk and granular material simulation.

Autodesk Revit 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only (x64) Multilingual  Software

Posted by Magictor at May 4, 2022
Autodesk Revit 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only (x64) Multilingual

Autodesk Revit 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only (x64) Multilingual | 478.2 Mb

Another engineering and design software company Autodesk Autodesk Revit family is designed for modeling building (Building Information Modeling or abbreviated BIM) design and production. The set of words Revitalization and Revitalize means life-giving and life taken Taz·hdadn and power up the software to create complex designs shows. Facilities and software
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only (x64)

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only (x64) | 206 Mb

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional software provides structural engineers with advanced building simulation and analysis capabilities for large, complex structures. The software offers a smooth workflow, enabling engineers to more quickly perform simulation and analysis of a variety of structures.

Altair HW CFDSolvers 2020.1.1 Update  Software

Posted by scutter at Nov. 12, 2020
Altair HW CFDSolvers 2020.1.1 Update

Altair HW CFDSolvers 2020.1.1 Update | 595.6 mb

The Altair HyperWorks development team has released an update to HyperWorks CFDSolvers 2020.1.0. This update includes fixed to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only  Software

Posted by Magictor at July 18, 2022
Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only

Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2023.0.1 Hotfix Only | 41.9 Mb

Autodesk Autodesk Structural Bridge Design professional products from popular companies for the design of bridges, as well as analysis and evaluation of their behavior in front of loads applied. This program, like other Autodesk software to design bridges familiar surroundings and simple with extensive capabilities in small and medium scale. It provides high flexibility and efficiency in the design of bridges and easily with this app features dynamic and non-linear behavior of cable bridges, bridges with decks and other common types evaluated.

Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2023.2.1 Hotfix Only (x64)  Software

Posted by Magictor at Nov. 28, 2022
Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2023.2.1 Hotfix Only (x64)

Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2023.2.1 Hotfix Only (x64) | 233.5 Mb

HSMWorks powerful plug and integrated CAM software solution is. It provides capabilities that will ultimately increase your productivity. This plug-in connection and proper coordination between the models made by the Solid Framework establishes processes and machines. When you make changes in the design model. At the same time, these changes are automatically reflected on the map will be model and toolpath. The program benefits from parallel.

Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2023.0.1 Update Only (x64)  Software

Posted by Magictor at Aug. 18, 2022
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2023.0.1 Update Only (x64)

Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2023.0.1 Update Only (x64) | 52 Mb

Other software on the AutoCAD platform is the Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical program, which, as its name implies, is not limited to the usual features of AutoCAD software, including tools and additional tools for designing mechanical components. This software provides a comprehensive library of components as well as complete tools based on mechanical design standards.

Altair Flux & FluxMotor 2023.1  Software

Posted by scutter at Feb. 3, 2024
Altair Flux & FluxMotor 2023.1

Altair Flux & FluxMotor 2023.1 | 3.7 Gb

Altair, a global leader in computational science and artificial intelligence (AI), announced the launch of Flux & FluxMotor 2023.1 is multidisciplinary optimization platform is a solution that allows considering multiphysics parameters and conflicting constraints.