Anaelle Gadeyne

Anaelle Tourret - Perspectives (2021) [Official Digital Download]  Vinyl & HR

Posted by pyatak at Nov. 16, 2021
Anaelle Tourret - Perspectives (2021) [Official Digital Download]

Anaelle Tourret - Perspectives (2021) [Official Digital Download]
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/48 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 49:53 minutes | 379 MB
Classical | Label: Es-Dur, Official Digital Download

On her debut album, which is being released in November on the label ES DUR, this young French harpist would like to present her instrument to listeners as an “unique example of compositional innovation and transition”, far from any excessive romanticism or lavish harmonies. After all, the harp is one of the oldest instruments known to music history and has passed through many different eras and stylistic epochs over the centuries. In the 20th century, it was often deprecated as a kind of angelic salon instrument.

Anaelle Duguet by Antoine & Charlie  Girls

Posted by nrg at May 29, 2019
Anaelle Duguet by Antoine & Charlie

Anaëlle Duguet - Antoine & Charlie Photoshoot
12 jpg | up to 1600*2134 | 10.48 MB
French model & actress

Anaelle Duguet by Gerhad Merzeder  Girls

Posted by nrg at July 3, 2020
Anaelle Duguet by Gerhad Merzeder

Anaëlle Duguet - Gerhad Merzeder Photoshoot
12 jpg | up to 1450*2000 | 15.58 MB
French model & actress

Anaelle Sorignet, "On ne sauvera pas le monde avec des pailles en bambou"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Oct. 30, 2020
Anaelle Sorignet, "On ne sauvera pas le monde avec des pailles en bambou"

Anaelle Sorignet, "On ne sauvera pas le monde avec des pailles en bambou : Pour une écologie lucide et engagée"
2020 | ISBN: 2807323537 | Français | EPUB | 192 pages | 3.3 MB

Et si on arrêtait de se voiler la face ? On ne sauvera pas le monde avec des pailles en bambou, du café équitable ou des sprays au vinaigre. À force d’en entendre parler, on croirait presque à une transition écologique… Pourtant, ce n’est pas en remplaçant la consommation classique par des achats "responsables" que l’on va stopper les catastrophes en cours ! …

BLYND, Anaëlle Marche, Valentin Tachot, "La Narratrice - L'intégrale"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at March 2, 2024
BLYND, Anaëlle Marche, Valentin Tachot, "La Narratrice - L'intégrale"

BLYND, Anaëlle Marche, Valentin Tachot, "La Narratrice - L'intégrale"
2023 | ASIN: B0CFRHH5DQ | Français | MP3@128 kbps | 1 hrs 12 mins | 66.9 MB

Dans l'histoire dont il est le héros, Bjorg le barbare est associé à une Narratrice plus qu'étouffante ! Déjà qu'il n'aime pas les descriptions, mais en plus elle se permet de le juger. La vie de ce binôme change quand un jour, leurs rôles s'inversent : la Narratrice se matérialise dans un corps de personnage tandis que Bjorg devient le Narrateur de l'histoire ! Bien décidés à ce que les choses redeviennent ce qu'elles étaient, le duo doit coopérer tant bien que mal afin que chacun retrouve sa place initiale. D'autant plus que les pires périls de leur monde les attendent…

Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017)  Music

Posted by delpotro at March 28, 2017
Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017)

Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017)
EAC Rip | FLAC (tracks+log+.cue) | 01:00:46 | 381 Mb
Jazz, R'n'B, Funk, Hip-Hop | Label: Anteprima

Swing XXL, obsessive groove, demonic virtuosity, Eric Legnini shapes a jazz in perpetual movement really impressive. From hard bop to pure funk, the Belgian pianist has established himself as a reference of his instrument. A student of Richie Beirach, a disciple of Phineas Newborn and Herbie Hancock, Legnini is above all the nuclear weapon of the swing. And when the groove of the soul sets fire to his hands, he approaches a Les McCann and his technique is engulfed in powerful rhythmic meanders. With Waxx Up, he signs a new high of pure groove, to celebrate once again his passion for the soul and the funk of the seventies. "The wax is my source! My culture is the vinyl, the sample, the 70s, "assures this patented digger, which never misses an opportunity to rummage an LP crate. An enraged groove in which he embarked Yael Naim, Hugh Coltman, Charles X, Mathieu Boogaerts, Anaëlle Potdevin, Ibrahim Maalouf and, for four titles, Michelle Willis.

Katarina Kaplan, "Le journal d'une nounou"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Dec. 31, 2024
Katarina Kaplan, "Le journal d'une nounou"

Katarina Kaplan, "Le journal d'une nounou"
2024 | ASIN: B0DPCNTVKB | Français | EPUB | 245 pages | 0.6 MB

Anaëlle, mère de deux jeunes décide de reprendre le chemin du travail et engage Lucinda, une nounou parfaite en apparence.
Mais dès l’arrivée de cette jeune femme dans leur foyer, d'étranges événements inquiétants surviennent. De petits incidents deviennent des énigmes troublantes, et bientôt, Anaëlle doute : qui est réellement Lucinda ? …
Alain Bosc, "Mystères et diableries sous Louis XI, tome 2 : Les Pirates de L'Estuaire"

Alain Bosc, "Mystères et diableries sous Louis XI, tome 2 : Les Pirates de L'Estuaire"
2014 | ASIN: B00O8D1OPK | Français | EPUB | 296 pages | 0.4 MB

"Les Pirates de L'Estuaire" est la deuxième enquête de Thomas Russ. "Les Loups du Pontet" le lançait sur des chemins enneigés où meurtres et disparitions mettaient en péril un paisible village, cette fois, après l'abordage d'un navire marchand, Paula et Thomas doivent enquêter à Bristol. L'Angleterre de la fin du XVème siècle vit une époque tout aussi trouble que la France d'après la guerre de cent ans, et mystères, complots et dangers les menacent plus que jamais…

Agnès Ledig - Il rumore delle foglie che cadono  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Feb. 1, 2022
Agnès Ledig - Il rumore delle foglie che cadono

Agnès Ledig - Il rumore delle foglie che cadono
Italiano | 2022 | 312 pages | ISBN: 8804741287 | EPUB | 0,5 MB

L'Alsazia, al confine tra Francia e Germania, è una terra piena di antichi castelli e ancor più antiche foreste. Qui abita Anaëlle, una giovane donna la cui esistenza è stata sconvolta da un tremendo incidente. A poco a poco, sta cercando di ricostruirsi una vita, dividendosi tra la fisioterapia, il lavoro come segretaria medica e la sua passione: scrivere romanzi polizieschi. Proprio per dare più veridicità a un suo libro, contatta Hervé Leclerc, procuratore della Repubblica a Strasburgo; tra i due inizia così, per caso, una corrispondenza che si fa sempre più affettuosa, sempre più intima. Tanto da insospettire l'inflessibile cancelliera del procuratore, Jocelyne. Thomas, falegname, ama profondamente i boschi, la loro voce, la loro anima. E sono proprio le storie di alberi e animali quelle che tutti i giorni narra al fratellino Simon, ricoverato in ospedale per una feroce forma di leucemia…

Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017) [Official Digital Download]  Vinyl & HR

Posted by Pisulik at Dec. 21, 2017
Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017) [Official Digital Download]

Eric Legnini - Waxx Up (2017)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/44.1 kHz | Time - 60:41 minutes | 681 MB
Studio Master, Official Digital Download | Artwork: Digital Booklet

New album from Belgian jazz pianist Eric Legnini. A collection of short, pop and soul-oriented tracks, moving between acoustic and electronic music, and between yesterday and today. Eric Legnini has been serving jazz for twenty-five years; under his own name or as a special guest, the theme master has nothing much to prove. This particular chapter is not necessarily over, only this time he has decided to honour the raw material which fuels his work, the black wax in which his music has always dug deep for inspiration, and which has gradually shaped his style."Wax is my roots! Vinyl records, sampling, the seventies-all these are ingrained in my musical culture", says this record junkie who never misses an occasion to dig through a crate of LPs."This record contains all the kinds of music that nurtured me: from hip-hop to soul, from funk jazz to present-day r'n'b. I am not trying to hide the sources of my inspiration, I'm simply giving my own version of them."