These appear to be the only chamber works this pianist and teacher wrote (there are lots of piano pieces, songs and a comic opera) and their dates are uncertain. The sonata is simple and elegant with more than a touch of the salon in its slow movement but the 33-minute trio is more impressive, with a three-note motive in the first movement you'll swear you've known all your life, a light and Mendelssohnian scherzo, a slow movement with much more depth and an allegro con fuoco finale as advertised. Joanna Lawrynowicz (piano), Andrzej Gebski (violin), Andrzej Wróbel (cello).
It will not be an exaggeration to say that what holds the compositions presented on this album together is the fascination with movement. However, the sources of that interest must always besought in the way the creators perceive the world and in the place where they see music. Moreover, each of the authors of the compositions pays great attention to unique sound, timbre and harmony. Chronologically speaking, the oldest composition is Le Merle noir/The Blackbird by Olivier Messiaen.
Bononcini’s La decollazione was first performed during Lent of 1709 in the chapel of Emperor Joseph I in Vienna. The rather sober scoring of La decollazione for strings and continuo might be explained by the Lenten presentation, but the vocal and instrumental demands of the piece fully exploited the brilliance of the Viennese musicians, and their skill in opera. At the same time, Bononcini integrated his skills in counterpoint, normally associated with sacred music, throughout the work so that it presents as both worldly and spiritual.
Cztery historie, cztery fascynujące podróże w głąb czasu i wyobraźni. Te opowiadania to uczta dla wielbicieli krótkich form. Znajdziesz tu wszystko, co powoduje, że opowieść chwyta za gardło.