The Deaton Le May Project was established and set up as a 100% pure studio project by Craig LeMay (drums and percussion) and Roby Deaton on guitar, keyboards, and vocals.
The sound of the Deaton LeMay Project truly reminds of bands like Saga, Camel; but it also “shows” influences of Rick Wakeman and even Keith Emerson. The latter influence can be heard in Different Place In Time, which is packed with beautiful flowing and sometimes dramatic keyboard motifs and melodies; but the duo also has a tendency towards classic hard rock elements and even some AOR characteristics. The second part of the album which consists of the six-part Elements Of Life Suite is the highlight and most extraordinary song of The Fifth Element. A true prog rock gem packed with tempo changes, intense vocals, pompous keyboard textures, impressive instrumental passages, and stunning guitar work…
L'espérance de vie aux États-Unis a récemment baissé : du jamais-vu en Occident depuis 1918. Durant les deux dernières décennies, les morts par suicide ou dues à la consommation de drogue ou l'alcoolisme n'ont cessé d'augmenter. Anne Case et Angus Deaton ont été les premiers a tiré la sonnette d'alarme face à ce phénomène qui affecte la classe ouvrière blanche. Ils expliquent comment le système économique et sociale ruine les espoirs de ces Américains, autrefois portés par l'« American Dream » qui leur promettait réussite et prospérité. …