Les derniers sketches écrits pour Fernand Raynaud par Armand Isnard. …
This disc is intended to introduce a collection of keyboard instruments in Edinburgh, Scotland, but actually it accomplishes much more. The instruments featured here were built all over Europe, with the majority from the British Isles or France. They date from between 1586 and 1810, with the first example being an Italian virginal and the final one a fortepiano. Along the way come harpsichords of various kinds, a clavichord, and a small organ. Brief but relevant and engaging histories are given for each instrument.
Pour l'homme, le diagnostic de Friedrich Ritter est des plus graves. L'arrêt de la sélection naturelle accumule le déchet humain (cf. Manifeste, point 32) jusqu'au moment où celui-ci parvient aux leviers de commande politiques et met l'Etat au service de sa conservation individuelle. Alors que les animaux supérieurs pratiquent couramment le sacrifice individuel (la chatte défendant ses petits jusqu'à la mort, ou l'oiseau sa couvée)…
Edinburgh University’s Russell Collection is one of the world’s finest collections of early keyboard instruments. The second volume in John Kitchen’s ongoing project to bring its musical exhibits to life matches music by Handel, Purcell, the Scottish composer Robert Bremner and others including Mozart’s son Franz Xaver with a gloriously vigorous menagerie of spinets, virginals, chamber organs, clavichord and harpsichords.
I have never been much of a classical music fan (on recorded music anyway) but hearing this Fone recording it actually makes sense for the 1st time! Listening to the SACD layer the music has striking 3-dimentional naturality but more importantly, PASSION! I have never felt that classical music had passion in a CD recording, & I always felt vinyl had too low SNR for classical music. The difference between the SACD & CD layer is quite obvious, & not subtle like on some discs. Listening to the CD layer (which is very good for a CD) results in a massive loss of coherence & passion – just the reason I never enjoyed classical on CD.
Synthèse sur l'armée romaine, de la Rome primitive à la chute de l'Empire, à travers la présentation de son rôle militaire, politique, administratif, économique et culturel. L'auteur montre également la contribution des institutions militaires romaines dans la diffusion du mode de vie, des idées et des croyances. …