The comedy in two acts, to a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte, is based on one of Carlo Goldoni's best-known and most amusing French comedies, Le bourru bienfaisant. The opera premiered with triumphant success on January 4, 1786 at the Vienna Burgtheater. Mozart liked the work so much that he composed two “substitute arias” for it, both of which found their way into this Teatro Real de Madrid production. The director Irina Brook, daughter of the well-known English director Peter Brook, made her debut at the Teatro Real with this production. She brings the plot to our time, mixing several styles and eras, which, together with Soler's light, cheerful music, makes the work really amusing evening entertainment.
This doble CD contains the opera Ifigenia in Aulide by Vicente Martín y Soler (1754-1806), a Spanish opera composer whose European recognition rivalled that of Mozart —in 2004 the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birthday was celebrated. The libretto is based on a classical tragedy named after the Greek heroine Ifigenia. The action takes place in Troya in 1100 B.C. and among the characters are Ifigenia, Aquiles, Agamenón, Ulises, and Arcadia. The author of the libretto was Luigi Serio. This opera had not been represented since its premiere at San Carlo theatre in Naples in 1779. Its premier in Úbeda-Baeza was an important landmark in the first years of the Festival, due to the complexity of the production and the excellent artistic results.