Bad Boys Blue is a multinational dance-pop group formed in Cologne, Germany, in 1984 and originally featuring British lead singer John McInerney, American Andrew Thomas, and Jamaican-born Trevor Taylor. After Taylor left the group in 1988, he was replaced by Trevor Travis; upon scoring a number 89 chart hit in 1993 with "Save Your Love," Travis exited as well, and Bad Boys Blue continued as a duo until adding Mo Russel in 1995. His 1999 departure made way for Jo Jo Max.
This and the very first time it’s not compiled by Michael Reinboth, rather by Benjamin Fröhlich and Tom Bioly, the founders and masterminds behind Permanent Vacation. Why? Simply because they both are very close friends of the Compost famlee, with an amazing musical and DJ-like tastefulness, with the knowledge-based trust of music in the vein of vibrant, jazzy electronica hybrids. And they are from Compost Records’ hometown Munich, too. Maybe Volume 14 differs slightly to what the previous 13 brought up music-wise, but that’s the score, idea and open mindedness of this series, as it was by the compilers, and last but not least a great time for a change, too.
The fifth volume in the Future Sound of Jazz series is a double-disc set including a range of techno, jazzy and experimental tracks from Nonplace Urban Field, Bjorn Torske, Chaser, Max Brennan, Fauna Flash and Force & Paul, among others.
With 2 full albums by Spy Glass Blüe and 4 full albums by Scaterd Few in addition to 17 bonus tracks, the Scaterd Blüe Box is unquestionably an essential listening. All the music has been remastered by the competent Rob Colwell (Bombworks Sound), the impeccable box and album layout art by Scott Waters (No Life Til Metal), and is a collaborative between Retroactive Records and Allan Aguirre’s own Faceless Gen Recording Company. You also get an absurd amount of attention to detail, Allan Aguirre autographed lithograph prints, and six cool trading cards with the CD boxset. Only 500 of these will be made, so make sure to get yours. Two words: Get Stoked!! ….Doug Peterson / Music Critic