It is good to have this uninhibitedly tuneful setting of the mass back in the catalogue, particularly in this warm and energetic Parisian performance. Gounod here in almost every section presents melodies that to us today have a hint of hit tunes, particularly the brash theme that underpins the "Credo" (which later returns Cut La forza) and the deliciously inappropriate tune for "Agnus Dei". The fact that vulgarity is only just avoided somehow adds to the attractions, and certainly no Gilbert and Sullivan enthusiast should miss hearing the work. The performance is even more enjoyable than I had remembered with excellent work from the soloists as well as the choir.
This 10 CD-Set offers a collection of the most popular Mass compositions from the Viennese Classics up to the romantic period. It includes famous masterpieces like Mozart’s „Coronation Mass“, Beethoven Missa solemnis, Haydn „Harmony Mass“, Gounod St. Cecilia Mass but also rarities like „Missa Sancti Joannis Nepomuceni“ by Michael Haydn, the „Coronation Mass“ by Cherubini, „Missa sacra“ by Robert Schumann and the „Misa solemnis“ of the german romantic composer Friedrich Kiel. Performed by well known artists like the Vienna Boys’ Choir, RIAS Chamber Choir, Tölzer Boys’ Choir, Wiener Akademie and last but not least also includes the spectacular recording of Beethoven’s Missa solemnis with conductor Michael Gielen.
After Polyeucte (1878), Gounod tackled the operatic genre for the last time in 1881 with what is probably his most ambitious work, Le Tribut de Zamora. The action takes place in ninth-century Spain – from Act Two onwards, on ‘a picturesque site on the banks of the Guadalquivir before Córdoba’. Here Gounod – finally noted more for his neoclassical pastiches (Le Médecin malgré lui and Cinq-Mars) and his ardent Romanticism (Faust and Roméo et Juliette) – was given an opportunity to display his talents as an orchestrator and colourist in an exotic setting. He produced an epic in the tradition of French grand opéra, with numerous ensembles and showpiece airs.
"Oui, fils, va. Reviens-nous couvert de gloire ou ne reviens pas."
Amaury a seize ans quand le roi Louis IX lance l’appel pour la septième croisade. Il doit rejoindre l’ost et son souverain à Aigues-Mortes. Après un premier périple du Limousin au Languedoc dont il ne sortira pas indemne, il embarque le 25 août 1248 avec le reste de l’armée. …
Le directeur délégué du "Figaro magazine" évoque les conversations avec son grand-père, le général Crépin, sur ses souvenirs de la Résistance et de la guerre, sur les valeurs du courage, du mépris de l'argent, de la carrière et de la fidélité. Il s'interroge sur l'oubli contemporain de l'intérêt général, du souci d'autrui et du respect du passé. Prix Jean Giono 2017, prix Interallié 2017. …
The successful film Tous les matins du monde had the undisputed merit of bringing the world’s attention to the figure of Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe and to the viola da gamba in general, since Sainte-Colombe provided substantial contributions to the repertoire of this instrument. Still, the film’s plot was explicitly (and fully legitimately) grounded on a fictional work, a novel telling the history of Sainte-Colombe with references to what was, by then, known about him. Fortunately, a virtuous circle was ignited by the film, prompting new and meticulous research on his figure and effectively bringing to light some hard facts about his life.
Jérôme Cordelier est parti à la rencontre de ces chrétiens, catholiques, protestants, orthodoxes qui résistèrent aux nazis et dont les rôles sont de nos jours minimisés.
On a souvent souligné les compromissions avec Pétain et le régime de Vichy des chefs des Églises, à raison, mais sans se souvenir que plusieurs d’entre eux furent aussi reconnus Justes pour avoir sauvé des juifs. …
Les Presses Universitaires de France et Frémeaux & Associés proposent cette biographie de Charles de Gaulle, analysée et expliquée par l'historien Bernard Phan, professeur en classe préparatoire au Lycée Henri IV. …
" Un livre que j'aurais dû emporter à Sainte-Hélène. " Napoléon.
Petit, Antoine de Caunes maîtrisait mal le français. D'ailleurs, chaque fois qu'on lui demandait son avis, il avait la fâcheuse habitude de répondre par un triple pléonasme : " Moi, personnellement, je… "[/quote