Après la découverte d'un autoportrait inédit de Vincent Van Gogh par la National Gallery of Scotland, Leah part à Edimbourg pour négocier le retour du tableau sur sa terre d'origine, à la demande de son supérieur, directeur du musée Van Gogh d'Amsterdam. Elle poursuit une mission parallèle, découvrir qui est l'homme au verso de cette nouvelle toile. …
The series ‘L’Oreille de…’ from Cypres and the Huelgas Ensemble, that began with "L’Oreille de Zurbarán" and "L’héritage de Petrus Alamire,” juxtaposes the music of a particular period and the creative world of a contemporaneous painter, scribe or explorer. What might he have listened to if he had had a transistor radio, a hifi system or the possibility of streaming on a computer? In conjunction with the exhibition: "Theodoor van Loon, a caravaggist between Rome and Brussels" in BOZAR Brussel, this album introduces the first Southern Netherlands Caravaggist between Rome and Brussels through the music of the seventeenth century. Paul Van Nevel has selected some emblematic pieces played in Italy, where van Loon used to live between 1602 and 1608, and in the musical chapel of Albert and Isabelle.
'Van Gogh in Saint-Remy and Auvers' is the sequel to the highly acclaimed exhibition catalogue 'Van Gogh in Arles'. The seventy paintings, eighteen drawings, and one etching selected for the present volume—drawn from public and private collections throughout Europe, the United States, and Asia for exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art—include some of Vincent van Gogh’s most famous images. …
During his long life, the priest, nobleman, poet, and painter from Rome, Ermenegildo del Cinque (1700–73) wrote over 100 sonatas for two cellos and eighteen pieces for three cellos. Although he was a dilettante di musica, he was the most prolific composer of cello music of all time. Yet despite the fact that he also composed cantatas, a serenata and some sacred music, and was a renowned cellist in Rome, he remains virtually unknown today, even among cellists. This recording, made in the theatre of the Palazzo Altemps in Rome where del Cinque often performed, rescues some of these extraordinarily beautiful compositions from oblivion.
Tranquilizer (1994). Though Terre Thaemlitz would go on to create highly conceptual works exploring gender politics and post-structuralist theory, on Tranquilizer he was content to craft lush and appealing chill-out atmospheres. This album is an artifact of the post-rave ambient era typified by groups like the Orb, filled with evocative synth washes mixed with sounds of nature and bits of tribal percussion. It might sound a bit naïve to ears weaned on electronic music made with powerful computer software, but Tranquilizer is not without its charms, and it shows Thaemlitz' deft touch with mood and texture. Thaemlitz' career path is marked by restless experimentation, but Tranquilizer is merely a cozy and pleasant place for a layover…