Une célibataire rencontre un homme qui la subjugue. Sa fille, âgée de 7 ans, observe impuissante sa mère tomber peu à peu sous l'emprise de cet individu jaloux, pervers et paranoïaque. …
Hélène a de moins en moins envie de répondre quand on l’appelle Hélène. Ça jure avec l’image qu’elle renvoie. Elle a quand même 1 000 followers sur insta, et depuis qu’elle pose en bikini, ça monte. Tssitssi, c’est son pseudo, mystérieux, sifflant, enfantin. Les vieux vont adorer.
À 16 ans, elle rêve de luxe et d’oisiveté. Mais son discours impertinent, porté par une verve féroce, laisse entrevoir peu à peu une blessure, un secret. …
Offenbachs La Périchole (1868) will never cease to delight music lovers of all persuasions. Marc Minkowski long one of the composers prophets was keen to pay tribute to him with this world premiere recording on period instruments, in the company of the young school of French singers, including the bewitching Aude Extrémo, the dashing Stanislas de Barbeyrac and the hilarious Alexandre Duhamel. Combining fashionable rhythms with the most unexpected touches of folklore, the score is a veritable flood of hit numbers. How can one not be swept away by the insolence of the Seguidilla, the frenzy of the Bolero or the furious rhythm of the Prison Trio? Never before, perhaps, had Offenbach gone so far in caricaturing political leaders nor used drunkenness to resolve the imbroglio of inextricable sentimental relationships. And indeed, the Tipsy Arietta is one of the composer's best-known numbers. Cheers!
Known as the ‘First Lady of the organ’, Marie-Claire Alain was a strikingly mature, creative and intuitive artist. Spanning four centuries of music, from Baroque masterpieces by the likes of Couperin and Grigny, through cornerstones of the French organ repertoire by Widor, Vierne and Messiaen, to two discs of works by her brother Jehan, this collection is testament to her vast and impressively wide-ranging recording legacy.