Configuration et Dépannage de PC : Guide de Formation Avec Exercices Pratiques de Windows XP à Windows 8

Sophie Lange, "Configuration et dépannage de PC : Guide de formation avec exercices pratiques de Windows 7 à Windows 10"

Sophie Lange, "Configuration et dépannage de PC : Guide de formation avec exercices pratiques de Windows 7 à Windows 10"
Eyrolles | 2017 | ISBN: 2212144741 | French | PDF | 493+410 pages | 127+27.6 MB

Vous souhaitez vous initier au métier de technicien de maintenance, de "correspondant micro" ou de responsable de parc de PC. Ou tout simplement être capable d'upgrader et de dépanner votre PC personnel sans aide extérieure. Composé de fiches pratiques accompagnées d'exercices et de quiz, ce guide d'autoformation vous permettra de maîtriser rapidement tous les aspects de la configuration, de la mise à jour et du dépannage de PC sous Windows. …
Chantal Perrin-Van Hille, "Concevoir une formation : Progression pédagogique et animation", 3e éd.

Chantal Perrin-Van Hille, "Concevoir une formation : Progression pédagogique et animation", 3e éd.
2019 | ISBN: 2100791397 | Français | PDF | 298 pages | 12.3 MB

Méthodologie destinée aux formateurs professionnels et occasionnels. Des fiches pratiques détaillent étape par étape comment définir le public et le besoin, formuler les objectifs, élaborer puis évaluer le module de formation. Avec des exercices à réaliser grâce à des applications en ligne. …

PGWare Throttle Multilingual  Software

Posted by melt_ at May 22, 2017
PGWare Throttle Multilingual

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 4.3 Mb

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

Throttle Multilingual  Software

Posted by big1ne at July 16, 2017
Throttle Multilingual

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 3.7 MB

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

PGWare Throttle Multilingual  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 22, 2017
PGWare Throttle Multilingual

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 4.1 Mb

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

PGWare Throttle Multilingual  Software

Posted by big1ne at Jan. 8, 2017
PGWare Throttle Multilingual

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 3.3 MB

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

Throttle  Software

Posted by big1ne at Jan. 15, 2017

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 3.7 MB

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

PGWare Throttle Portable  Software

Posted by melt_ at Jan. 28, 2017
PGWare Throttle Portable

PGWare Throttle Portable | 8.6 Mb

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

PGWARE Throttle Portable  Software

Posted by speedzodiac_ at Feb. 13, 2017
PGWARE Throttle Portable

PGWARE Throttle Portable | 3.1 Mb

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !

Throttle Multilingual  Software

Posted by big1ne at Feb. 19, 2017
Throttle Multilingual

PGWare Throttle Multilingual | 4.2 MB

Throttle - utility designed to configure your modem for maximum performance that can result in a more than 200 percent increase in speed. You just choose your OS, connection type (14.4/28.8/33.6/56k, cable modem , DSL / ADSL modem , ISDN, Satellite, T1/T3/OC3/OC12 +, LAN , 3G- modems ) and press the "Go" . The program will do the rest !