Crucial Confrontations Kerry Patterson et Al.

«Influencer» by Kerry Patterson  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Sept. 23, 2019
«Influencer» by Kerry Patterson

«Influencer» by Kerry Patterson
English | ISBN: 9781598875775 | MP3@64 kbps | 8h 37m | 236.8 MB

Kerry Greenwood - Morte al molo Victoria  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Oct. 19, 2022
Kerry Greenwood - Morte al molo Victoria

Kerry Greenwood - Morte al molo Victoria
Italiano | 2022 | 240 pages | ISBN: 8881545780 | EPUB | 1,2 MB

Mentre Phryne Fisher costeggia il molo Victoria, nel porto di Melbourne, un colpo di pistola manda in frantumi il parabrezza della sua Hispano-Suiza. Il bersaglio originario però sembra essere un altro: due ombre sospette hanno ferito e lasciato un ragazzo morire tra le braccia dell’intraprendente detective. Scossa per il brutale omicidio e colpita nell’orgoglio, inizia a interessarsi al caso, partendo da alcuni segni distintivi del giovane: le origini lettoni, l’orecchino d’oro, un tatuaggio blu tipico degli anarchici. E sì, perché per scovare gli assassini Phryne dovrà abbracciare la rivoluzione e lasciarsi coinvolgere da inquietanti medium, rapinatori di banche e Peter Smith, un giramondo lettone tanto affascinante quanto misterioso. Come se non bastasse, all’omicidio del molo Victoria si aggiunge la scomparsa di una compagna di scuola di Ruth e Jane, figlie adottive di Phryne… Riuscirà la detective più incantevole di Melbourne a dividersi tra i due casi e a salvare la situazione con il suo solito aplomb?

Jorge Zepeda Patterson - Omicidio al Tour de France  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at July 12, 2019
Jorge Zepeda Patterson - Omicidio al Tour de France

Jorge Zepeda Patterson - Omicidio al Tour de France
Italiano | 2019 | 362 pages | ISBN: 8856669587 | EPUB | 0,5 MB

È quel momento dell'anno. Il momento del Tour de France. Il giovane e promettente Marc Moreau fa parte di una squadra eccezionale: è il gregario dell'americano Steve Panata, quattro volte campione nonché favorito insieme all'inglese Peter Stark e al colombiano Óscar Cuadrado. Peccato che il Tour non sembri iniziato sotto i migliori auspici: una serie di stranissimi incidenti, tra cui un inspiegabile infortunio collettivo e un avvelenamento, ne turbano lo svolgimento. Finché, in un'escalation che sembra inarrestabile, ci scappa anche il morto. Un gregario della squadra inglese viene trovato senza vita in una vasca da bagno. La polizia è ormai all'erta: il commissario Favre, incaricato di seguire il caso, chiede aiuto proprio a Marc - il suo passato in polizia e la sua vicinanza ai fatti lo rendono la persona più adatta a collaborare alle indagini. Perché una cosa è chiara: c'è un killer tra gli atleti, e la rosa dei sospetti, man mano, è sempre più ristretta..
Towards Gender Equity in Development (WIDER Studies in Development Economics) by Siwan Anderson, Lori Beaman, et al.

Towards Gender Equity in Development (WIDER Studies in Development Economics) by Siwan Anderson, Lori Beaman, et al.
English | 2019 | ISBN: 0198829590 | 448 Pages | PDF | 3.74 MB

As a result of widespread mistreatment and overt discrimination in all dimensions of their lives, women lack significant autonomy. The central preoccupation of this book is to explore key sources of female empowerment and discuss the current challenges and opportunities for the future. Schematically, three main domains are distinguished. The first is marriage and women’s relative bargaining position within the household.
"Smart Drug Delivery Systems: Futuristic Window in Cancer Therapy" ed. by Edited by Farhat Afrin, et al.

"Smart Drug Delivery Systems: Futuristic Window in Cancer Therapy" ed. by Edited by Farhat Afrin, Sankarprasad Bhuniya, Rosario Pignatello
ITexLi | 2024 | ISBN: 1837692025 9781837692026 1837692017 9781837692019 1837692033 9781837692033 | 143 pages | PDF | 14 MB

This book explores drug delivery strategies for therapeutic products including vitamins, emphasizing the delivery of live cell therapies. It also highlights nanostructured systems tailored for smart drug delivery and theranostic medicines, showcasing promising advancements in this emerging field.
Datacenter Migrations with VMware Aria Operations for Networks: Leveraging Aria Operations for Networks et al

Datacenter Migrations with VMware Aria Operations for Networks: Leveraging Aria Operations for Networks (AON) and HCX for Seamless Planning and Execution
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | 49M Duration | 445.26 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
"Value of Information in the Earth Sciences Integrating Spatial Modeling and Decision Analysis" by Jo Eidsvik, et al.

"Value of Information in the Earth Sciences Integrating Spatial Modeling and Decision Analysis" by Jo Eidsvik, Tapan Mukerji, Debarun Bhattacharjya
CamUni Press | 2015 | ISBN: 1316434966 9781316434963 | 400 pages | PDF | 24 MB

This book presents a unified framework for assessing the value of potential data gathering schemes by integrating spatial modeling and decision analysis, with a focus on the Earth sciences. The authors discuss and compare the value of imperfect versus perfect information, and the value of total versus partial information, where only subsets of the data are acquired. This book is of interest to students, researchers, and industry professionals in the Earth and environmental sciences, who use applied statistics and decision analysis techniques, and particularly to those working in petroleum, mining, and environmental geoscience
"Psychopathology: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective" ed. by Robert Woolfolk, et al.

"Psychopathology: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective" ed. by Robert Woolfolk, Lesley Allen, Federico Durbano
ITExLi | 2020 | ISBN: 1789858208 9781789858204 1789858194 9781789858198 1838800190 9781838800192 | 137 pages | PDF | 8 MB

This volume brings together an international array of cutting-edge thinkers who address the basic questions of psychiatry using diverse methods from a variety of different perspectives. The reader is taken to the frontiers of psychiatry and clinical psychology to view the future of the field.
"Artificial Intelligence Annual Volume 2022" ed. by Marco Antonio Aceves Fernandez, et al.

"Artificial Intelligence Annual Volume 2022" ed. by Marco Antonio Aceves Fernandez, Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez, Andries Engelbrecht
ITexLi | 2022 | ISBN: 1837689474 9781837689477 1837689466 9781837689460 1837689482 9781837689484 | 157 pages | PDF | 8 MB

This volume is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI) attracted the attention of many researchers and users alike, and it has become increasingly crucial in our modern society.
"Smart Drug Delivery Systems: Futuristic Window in Cancer Therapy" ed. by Edited by Farhat Afrin, et al.

"Smart Drug Delivery Systems: Futuristic Window in Cancer Therapy" ed. by Edited by Farhat Afrin, Sankarprasad Bhuniya, Rosario Pignatello
ITexLi | 2024 | ISBN: 1837692025 9781837692026 1837692017 9781837692019 1837692033 9781837692033 | 143 pages | PDF | 14 MB

This book explores drug delivery strategies for therapeutic products including vitamins, emphasizing the delivery of live cell therapies. It also highlights nanostructured systems tailored for smart drug delivery and theranostic medicines, showcasing promising advancements in this emerging field.