Despite taking its title from the classic Space Ritual-era "Sonic Attack," the bulk of This Is Hawkwind, Do Not Panic dates, in fact, from a full eight years on, as the revived band sold out a string of U.K. theaters in the run-up to Christmas 1980, including this show at London's Lewisham Odeon. By the standards that Space Ritual set, of course, This Is Hawkwind is little more than an average live album. By those standards established by the myriad other live Hawkwind albums one could choose from, however, it is one of the best, in terms of both sound and performance…
Balance Of Power are back with new band members and a brand-new album! Founding members Tony Ritchie (bass) and Lionel Hicks (drums) are joined the band's new lead vocalist Hazel Jade as well as guitarists Chris Young and Adam Wardle, who have since taken over the reins from guitarists Chris Masimore and Stoney Wagner, with whom the band worked on and recorded the upcoming album "Fresh From The Abyss". Largely about life and death, "Fresh From The Abyss" is a collection of songs that either stops the clock and points to a moment in time or stands back and encompasses the vastness of time and space, and living and dying.