Miniaturas lunares est une expérience acoustique qui établit des ponts entre les musiques populaires, classiques et contemporaines. Miniaturas lunares est une succession de fragments sonores très courts, des histoires minimales qui s’enchaînent. Ces miniatures alternent des poèmes, des chansons et des morceaux de musique instrumentale. J’ai imaginé une série de musiques extrêmement légères et éphémères. Des moments de vie très intimes où l’on s’attache au présent pour que le temps s’allonge et devienne élastique. Des instants de joie, de mélancolie, de surprises, détonants, d’humeur mais aussi des instants nostalgiques qui se succèdent vertigineusement.
For its fourth opus, the most badass string quartet in France’s young guard revisits standards written by some of the monuments in jazz, namely Mingus, Ellington, Coltrane, Monk and Shorter. And this four-piece is probably one of the most relevant around when it comes to artistic experiment based the material that belongs to our heritage. Here the RP Quartet shows its increasing maturity as it closes in on the essentials of its art, and Poney Jungle is a wild, powerful musical horse ride that clears every obstacle with sincerity and brio. Augustin BONDOUX
This 16-track compilation covers Senegalese singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Youssou N'Dour's Columbia Records period, from 1991 to 1996. Perhaps the most popular pop culture figure in Senegal's history, N'Dour created a music of his own from various sources, which he called "mbalax" and which incorporates everything from jazz, soul, hard R&B styles, hip-hop, and even Cuban samba, and juxtaposes them with the folk melodies and polyrhythms of his native land. The cuts here, particularly "Old Man," "New Africa," "Yo le Le, (Fulani Rhythm)," and the covers of Smokey Robinson's "Don't Look Back," and Lennon and McCartney's "Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da," reveal N'Dour's idiosyncratic, yet very accessible grasp and integration of Western and African pop styles.
“Gut strings and classical bows are also the tools of a captivating quest for sonority”, French magazine Diapason recently wrote to describe the Chiaroscuro Quartet. After Op. 20, Joseph Haydn’s first major string quartet cycle, and Op. 76, his last, the internationally renowned ensemble is now embarking on the Quartets Op. 33, dubbed the “Russian Quartets” and dedicated to the Russian Grand Duke Paul, the future Tsar Paul I.
The idea of alternating trio sonatas with cantatas is a happy one, based perhaps on the idea that people play CDs for pleasure and not simply for reference. The two cantatas are rarities on record. Tra le fiamme is a spectacularly scored piece, its textures enriched by a viola da gamba obbligato and wind instruments (recorders in some numbers, oboes in another) as well as strings.
Dans l'histoire de l'enregistrement, le pianiste Richter est bien celui dont les éditions témoignent de la plus hallucinante autant que pléthorique foutraquerie, mâtinée de beaucoup de redondances sur fond d'éditions pirates et officieuses. C'est la vraie tour de Babel de l'édition musicale, et Brueghel l'Ancien n'a plus qu'à aller se rhabiller de son manteau de probité. Je renonce donc ici (ce réveillon de fin d'année m'a tué) à recenser ma discothèque personnelle (quelque 15 000 disques…) pour discerner si, dans l'ordre ou dans le désordre, ce qu'on trouve sur ce CD nous est donné pour la première fois, ou si c'est là doublon partiel ou intégral, voire la trois virgule quatorze cent seizième version du même par les mêmes.