Esbjörn Svensson, the Swedish original who consistently turned crossovers between jazz, pop and classical music into lasting art with EST, would have got around to this orchestral venture himself but for his accidental death in 2008. With its shapely themes, subtle pacing and big climaxes, his popular trio’s music was ideal material, eloquently confirmed here by arranger Hans Ek, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic and four star jazz soloists, including brilliant Finnish pianist Iiro Rantala and Norwegian saxophonist Marius Neset.
One of the more puzzling remarks about the music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach came from Mozart, who said that anyone who listened closely would realize his debt to the German composer. That seemed unlikely, given that Mozart only rarely availed himself of the Sturm und Drang ("storm and stress") style of C.P.E.'s keyboard music. But listen to this release by flutist Emmanuel Pahud and you'll get an idea of what Mozart was talking about. It's not just that the flute concertos are basically galant in style, not Sturm und Drang. It's a certain nervous energy that makes the flute bloom rapidly out of squarish themes and keeps you guessing as to what's coming next.
Michael E Frith had piano lessons as a young child but was really turned on to music in big way when Motown hit him like a ton of bricks in the early sixties, he was smitten and from that time on he’s had a love affair with music. He joined various cover bands and toured the Euro/American Navy and Air force bases playing keyboards and percussion and enjoyed a short stint with U.S. vocal group Johnny Johnson and the Bandwagon, who had a massive hit worldwide with "Breaking Down The Walls Of Heartache"…
Viulisti Kreeta-Maria Kentala on Suomen vanhan musiikin liikkeen uranuurtaja, joka on kotonaan solistina, johtajana ja pedagogina niin barokin, klassisen ja romantiikan ajan musiikin kuin kansanmusiikinkin parissa. Hän konsertoi säännöllisesti sekä soolo- ja kamarimusiikkiprojekteissa että eri orkesterien solistina, konserttimestarina ja johtajana.