Mostly written in her youth, Alma Mahler’s Lieder are rarely performed, yet each one is a musical gem that forms an important part of the Romantic song repertoire. This album is the first recording that includes all 17 of her songs. Like her personality, Alma’s songs are mysterious, complex and profound and take the listener on a kaleidoscopic voyage where different layers in text and music can simultaneously express blistering religious sentiments, overwhelming eroticism and profound tenderness. With a rich and velvety sound Elise Caluwaerts reveals the full depths of this music: refined details are portrayed with appealing intimacy, exuberant, roller coaster-like chromatic lines are savoured, and text is interpreted with mouth-watering expertise. She is joined on this symbiotic journey by star pianist Marianna Shirinyan who performs on a Steinway from 1899 that exactly mirrors the colourful and warm piano sound that Alma had in mind when composing these beautiful songs.
Over de Franse organist en componist Jean-Nicolas Geoffroy is weinig bekend. Hij was ondermeer organist aan de Kathedraal van Perpighnan, waar hij in 1694 stierf. Verder was hij de componist van de grootste collectie klavecimbelmuziek uit het 17e eeuwse Frankrijk. Het handschrift van deze collectie bevat niet minder dan 217 werken, waarvan de meeste gerangschikt zijn in 19 suites.
The City of Tomorrow releases Blow, a collection of three works for wind quintet, anchored by the premiere of a multi-movement work written for them by Hannah Lash. Guided by their virtuosity and commitment to polished interpretation, the album is an exploration of finely crafted compositions that take advantage of the rich colors of the instrumentation in all of its permutations.