Aaron Cassidy is a composer and conductor with a growing international reputation and his works have been performed by leading contemporary music specialists. He joined the composition faculty of the University of Huddersfield in 2007 and is coordinator of the MA in New Music. This collection also includes Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion and other works.
The ELISION Ensemble (often referred to as simply ELISION) is a chamber ensemble specialising in contemporary classical music, concentrating on the creation and presentation of new works. The ensemble comprises a core of around 20 virtuoso musicians from Australia and around the world.
Aaron Cassidy is a composer and conductor with a growing international reputation and his works have been performed by leading contemporary music specialists. He joined the composition faculty of the University of Huddersfield in 2007 and is coordinator of the MA in New Music. This collection also includes Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion and other works.
Dark Matter (completed in 2003) is a large-scale composition for voices, ensemble and electronics that features great contrasts of color, of different kinds of polyphony, of serenity versus violent music bordering on chaos, of slowly evolving music versus fast sound snippets. The form of the work is rather open and does not fall into a particular category.
Erwin Schrödinger est universellement connu comme l’un des fondateurs de la théorie quantique. Sa position unique dans l’histoire de la pensée du XXe siècle reste en revanche largement ignorée. L’Esprit et la Matière, publié en 1958, témoigne d’une pensée philosophique et d’options métaphysiques en avance sur son temps. Authentiquement philosophe, et scientifique brillant, Schrödinger était bien placé pour mesurer tout à la fois la nécessité et le coût exorbitant de l’acte fondateur des savoirs objectifs …
Les épreuves corrigées et commentées des concours X-ENS entre 2019 et 2021. …