Dennis Warren's Full Metal Revolutionary Jazz Ensemble is one of the venerable jazz groups of Boston. Together since 1987, the band is rooted in musical partnerships that date back to 1971. Although the group has been self-issueing cassettes and one CD over the years (a number of which have been reveiwed in major music magazines),"Watch Out!" is their first commercially released recording, and their most varied and accessible effort to date.
The Boston-based FMRJE belies the notion that the only thing happening in that city jazz-wise is the bebop played by whippersnappers at Berklee. Drummer Dennis Warren is apparently the leader of this outfit, but former Cecil Taylor sideman/trumpeter Raphe Malik takes composer credit on all but one of the tunes. Not that the tunes are particularly substantive – they serve merely as springboards for the collective improvisations to follow. The soloists are without exception first-rate.
Jump in to the flow of Dennis Warren’s music any place you desire. His music, the music of the Full Metal Revolutionary Jazz Ensemble (FMRJE) is a continuously flowing river of sound with (seemingly) no starting or ending points. The drummer Dennis Warren is a disciple of Milford Graves and has studied with Cecil Taylor. His FMRJE, begun in 1989 has included jazz luminaries Raphe Malik, and Glenn Spearman. The current lineup like all others features an additional percussionist with conga player Jose Arroyo. The rhythm concentrated music is constantly propelling forward. Driving the powerful engine of Warren’s drumming. This is the music born out of the electric Miles Filmore and Agharta years, is the original jamband concept.