The classical works of Tan Dun typically fuse compositional elements from the East and the West, but for his soundtrack to Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, musical cultures aren't so much blurred as coexistent side-by-side. While the magical martial arts film doesn't boast music as stunning as its visuals, this soundtrack is still beautiful and elegant, a perfect complement to the movie's mysticism. Just don't expect epic, John Williams-inspired bombast here. On "A Wedding Interrupted," the riveting brass and string section introduction segues into soft-hued meditations; "Night Fight" boasts spiky percussion but sounds more reminiscent of Stomp than a kung-fu scene. That said, Dun's understated score–filled with Asian instrumentation, Romantic cello solos from Yo-Yo Ma, and a token theme song with vocals by Asian pop star CoCo Lee–is still a fascinating listen. Fans of Ma and Dun shouldn't pass this up.
Tan Dun's Concerto for String Orchestra and Pipa (1999) is a reworking of one of his most popular works, Ghost Opera, written for and recorded by the Kronos Quartet. In this version, the composer's characteristic polystylism – which here includes Chinese folk song, Copland-esque Big Sky music, quotations from Bach, and vocalizations by the orchestra – comes across as a jumble, without much of a strong vision holding the disparate elements together. Pipa virtuoso Wu Man, who appeared on the Kronos recording, plays the concerto with energy and delicacy. She's ably accompanied by the Moscow Soloists, led by Yuri Bashmet. The concerto is followed by Takemitsu's Nostalghia (1987) for violin and string orchestra. Its compositional assurance, clarity, subtly nuanced orchestration, and emotional directness make it all the more striking in contrast to the Tan Dun. Here Bashmet is the impassioned soloist, with Roman Balashov conducting with great sensitivity. The three brief excerpts from Takemitsu's film scores are a pleasant stylistic diversion – light, strongly differentiated character pieces.
Fire Ritual, the concerto that lends its name to the present disc, was composed with Hemsing in mind. With it Tan Dun has created a musical ceremony for the victims of war, building on four themes: Cruel Wars, Innocent People, Mantras of the Heavenly Birds and Eternity. The concerto was premièred in September 2018 by Hemsing and the Oslo Philharmonic, conducted by the composer. For Eldbjørg Hemsing, Tan Dun has also created the concerto that opens the disc, Rhapsody and Fantasia, based on earlier works. Both works reflect the composer’s memories of growing up barefoot in the countryside, and his later experiences of bringing together the shamanistic and spiritual world of his childhood with the discipline and philosophy of Peking Opera. Or in the composers own words: ‘a reflection of those early memories of my youth, but through the lens of my current musical soundscape’.
After initial studies in orchestration, and analysis at the Regional Conservatory of Paris, Franck Bedrossian studied composition closely with Allain Gaussin. He continued his studies at the Paris Conservatory (seminars with Gerard Grisey and later Marco Stroppa), where upon graduation he received unanimously the first prize for Analysis, and the first prize in Composition.
Lorsque des parents stressés et fatigués se plaignent de leur " enfant difficile " qui montre quelques réticences à obéir mais qui va bien par ailleurs, c'est très différent d'autres parents qui, après avoir laissé leur enfant faire tout ce qu'il voulait, constatent avec regret que leur progéniture est devenue un " enfant difficile "…
Les enfants surdoués sont souvent des êtres fragiles que leur différence rend plus vulnérables. Hyperréceptifs, ils sont davantage sujets à la peur et à l'anxiété. Mais il ne tient qu'aux parents et enseignants de mieux les comprendre pour les aider à s'épanouir. Ce livre pratique a pour but de les guider dans le dépistage de la précocité. …
L’enfant-roi a maintenant atteint le rang de phénomène social. L’analyse du développement indique que l’enfant naît roi et que ce sont les conditions éducatives qui déterminent la poursuite de son règne ou son extinction. Par le bout du nez présente tout d’abord aux parents et aux intervenants sociaux les grands paramètres d’une éducation réussie en expliquant le moment précis où s’enracine l’enfant-roi. …
Suite aux nombreuses tentatives des parents à essayer d’accompagner leur enfant, Aude Becquart a constaté qu’ils sont complètement désarmés, impuissants et culpabilisent face aux problèmes de sommeil de leur enfant. Pour rappel, aller se coucher est « une séparation ». Même si les outils employés par Aude sont bienveillants et rassurants, elle explique aux parents que si leur demande est d’aider leur enfant à bien dormir et s’ils ont pris des habitudes qui ne favorisent pas un sommeil de qualité, leur enfant risque d’exprimer son désaccord par des pleurs. …
Un guide pour apprendre à écouter et parler autrement à ses enfants, à l'aide de 15 exercices de relaxation et 15 contes métaphoriques qui permettent à l'inconscient de s'exprimer sur les peurs, la confiance en soi, la jalousie, etc. Edition augmentée de cinq chapitres. …