Georges Moustaki was born Giuseppe Mustacchi in Alexandria Egypt on May 3, 1934.
At the age of 17, after a summer holiday in Paris, Moustaki obtained his father's permission to move there, working as a door-to-door salesman of poetry books.
Although he achieved his greatest fame in France, singing French-language songs in a distinctly French style, singer/songwriter Georges Moustaki was more a citizen of the world – or, as he often put it, a "citizen of the French language." Christening himself a cultural "mongrel" in his signature hit "Le Métèque," Moustaki's first love was the classic-style French chanson, but he often appropriated bits of world folk musics from Greece, Turkey, the Middle East, Brazil (bossa nova and MPB), Argentina (tango), and other parts of Latin America, the United States (blues and jazz), Holland, and anywhere else his travels took him.
Le biographe est remonté aux origines, à la ville d'Alexandrie où est né Moustaki, pour suivre les fils des influences, des amitiés, des rencontres. Il scrute l'oeuvre et les musiques, fait parler les témoins, raconte les hésitations, les choix de vie, les engagements. …
2CDs with the biggest and best French classics of the last 50 years! With current stars such as Maître Gims, Vianney, but also the genuine classics and sing-along songs by Serge Gainsbourg, Joe Dassin, Charles Aznavour, Brigitte Bardot etc.
Master Series is the title of a line of greatest hits albums, released in European countries primarily by PolyGram International, as well as A&M Records, Deram Records, FFRR Records, Mercury Records, and Polydor Records. In addition, some albums were reissued by Universal Music Group under the Universal Masters Collection and Millennium Edition titles.
Présentation du paysage musical français à travers des chanteurs français et francophones des années 1970 : Ange, Triangle, Dynastie Crisis, Martin Circus, Maxime Le Forestier, Georges Moustaki et d'autres encore. …