Starting with the `Passione', this is a meditation on Christ's Passion consisting mainly of a `Dialogo' between the Virgin Mary (soprano Emanuela Galli) and St John (Giuseppe Naviglio, bass), with contributions from a pair of angels and others. The music is vivid and demonstrative, with lovely vocal passages and some wonderful duetting, all very finely sung. The lively accompaniment from period instruments is superb, and it's all directed with spirit and inspiration by Antonio Florio.
Two Brazilian artists pay tribute to Villa-Lobos and the Amazon rainforest… Sebastião Salgado is a world-renowned photographer who has been working since the 1990s to protect and restore the Atlantic forest and water resources of the Rio Doce valley in Brazil. The Italian-Brazilian conductor Simone Menezes is passionate about the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos and his symphonic poem Floresta do Amazonas, for which she created a suite for large orchestra and soprano. Together they travel the world to present an exhibition of Salgado's photographs, combined with concerts conducted by Simone in which the photographs are projected, the photographer having associated each musical phrase with one of his images… The music of this monumental project has been recorded with the Philharmonia Zürich and soprano Camila Provenzale. Ten photos by Salgado, each more striking than the last, are included in the booklet that accompanies this recording, which is completed by another tribute to Amazonian nature, by Philip Glass, with an extract from his Aguas da Amazonia.
If Naples, under the reforming wing of Caravaggio, experienced a golden age in the pictorial arts in the 17th century, the same holds true for musical composition. Antonio Florio unveils for us today the musical treasures of this dazzing era nourished by the expressive opulence of the predecessors of A. Scarlatti. A roster of remarkable soloists gives life and flesh to one of the scores exemplifying Neapolitan devotion. The casting dazzles through its presence and its incantatory illumination: Gloria Banditelli is Rosalia, thrilling, sensual, passionate. La Colomba follows on the style of Provenzale's operas. It solidifies the social ascension of the musician to the court of the viceroy, since the work was premiered at the Palace in 1670 by the figliuoli of the Conservatory of Santa Maria di Loreto, of which he was choir director. But this bountiful drama fits into the cycle of other sacred projects by Provenzale: one can attribute to him a "life" of Teresa d'Avila, one of San Gennaro, another of Santa Rosa.
Antonio Florio et son équipe de la Cappella de'Turchini nous ont habitués à de passionnantes découvertes dans le répertoire de leur ville de Naples, au passé musical si riche et pourtant délaissé par la plupart des musiciens.
Antonio Florio et son équipe de la Cappella deTurchini nous ont habitués à de passionnantes découvertes dans le répertoire de leur ville de Naples, au passé musical si riche et pourtant délaissé par la plupart des musiciens.
Antonio Florio et son équipe de la Cappella de'Turchini nous ont habitués à de passionnantes découvertes dans le répertoire de leur ville de Naples, au passé musical si riche et pourtant délaissé par la plupart des musiciens.