The box contains 10 CDs and offers reference shots of all the central works such as the Psalms of David, the Cantiones sacrae, the Resurrection History, the Little Sacred Concerts, Choral Music and last but not least the Passions. The partly unpublished recordings show the Dresden Kreuzchor at the height of its development.
10 CD set containing ten original albums plus bonus tracks by the blues legend B.B. King. It's a unique collection of hits and rarities from 1949 to 1962. The rare LP 'Twist with B.B. King' is appearing here for the first time on CD.
Nothing could be more appropriate in celebrating Victoria de los Angeles’s 75th birthday than this extensive conspectus of her recordings of Spanish song over 40 years. It’s hardly possible in a brief review to do justice to such an astonishing achievement on the part of the Spanish soprano; indeed had she sung nothing else her place in recorded history would be assured.
Extensive 5CD set, produced in conjunction with the band, exploring the first wave of The Primitives’ career, 1985-1992.
Catharism was the name given to a Christian religious sect that appeared in the Languedoc region of what is now southern France and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Cathars saw matter as intrinsically evil. They denied that Jesus could become incarnate and still be the son of God and thus, the Catholic Church regarded the sect as dangerously heretical. Faced with what they saw as a rapidly spreading cancer, the Church called for a crusade, which was carried out by knights from Northern France and Germany and was known as the Albigensian Crusade. This campaign, and the inquisition that followed it, eradicated the Cathars completely. It also had the effect of weakening the semi- independent southern principalities in the area, ultimately bringing them under direct control of the King of France.
És un projecte que neix de les ganes de Miguel Royo de trobar nous horitzons en el llenguatge saxofonístic. Així, el 2014 decideix endinsar-se de ple en el món del flamenc, convertint-se en el primer saxofonista del món en completar un màster com a intèrpret de flamenc prenent com a referències el cant i la guitarra, el saxo i la flauta ens porten per un repertori de jazz-flamenc on es podem escoltar influències de Paco de Lucia o Camarón, passant per Charlie Parker.