The most brilliant of Belgian composer César Franck's compositions were written during the final decade of his life; the Symphonic Variations for piano and orchestra, the famous Violin Sonata, the D major String Quartet, and, perhaps most important, the Symphony in D minor are all the products of a single, remarkable five-year period. The Symphony, by no means an immediate success with critics or audiences, has nevertheless become so fused with the popular image of César Franck that it is nearly impossible to think of him without also thinking of this 40-minute orchestral juggernaut. And yet the work is by no means an empty audience-pleaser: as with all of his final compositions, the Symphony shows a superb synthesis of Franck's own uniquely rich harmonic language and cyclic themes with the traditions of Viennese Classicism that he had come to revere later in life (principally through the music of ).
Devenue la fugitive la plus recherchée des Etats-Unis, l'ancienne agente du FBI Jane Hawk est plus déterminée que jamais à venger la mort de son mari et à déjouer les plans d'un milliardaire qui finance des recherches génétiques pour contrôler les cerveaux. …
Michael Jordan : The Life est la biographie définitive d un basketteur qui possédait tout : le sens du spectacle, la maîtrise des airs et une technique parfaite. Rarement un sportif aura autant fait pour la popularité de sa discipline à l échelle mondiale. …
Pendant des siècles, rien ne laissait penser que les Sodomites se livraient exclusivement à la sodomie: ils étaient "arrogants", manquaient aux "devoirs de l'hospitalité", vivaient dans la luxuria et la terrible vengeance divine s'était abattue sur eux. Cc n'est qu'au Xe siècle que se trouve monté en épingle le martyre de saint Pelage, jeune éphèbe captif décapité pour s'être reflué aux pressantes sollicitations d'Abd al-Rahmân III. …
Doktor Faust remained a fragment at the time of the composer's death. Busoni died in 1924, unable to complete what he himself described as his ''state masterpiece'' - an opera to which he had a deep personal attachment. The missing scenes from the score - the appearance of Helen and Faust's closing monologue - were completed by his pupil, Philipp Jarnach, whom Busoni had become acquainted with during his period in exile in Zürich. In this form the opera was given its first performance in Dresden in 1925. Then in the 1980s the conductor Anthony Beaumont came across previously undiscovered sketches by Busoni and produced a new version of Doktor Faust, which was premiered in Bologna in 1985. The current recording uses the Jarnach score.
Des basketteurs qui ont joué avec ou contre Michael Jordan, ceux qui l'ont entrainé ou qui ont assisté à ses exploits racontent leurs souvenirs de leurs rencontres avec le champion de basket-ball. A partir de leurs témoignages, S. Smith retrace les six championnats auxquels a participé Jordan et explique les raisons de son parcours exceptionnel en NBA. …