L’antologia Del Tuo Successo

Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Anton Zimmermann: Symphonies (2018)

Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Anton Zimmermann: Symphonies (2018)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 266 Mb | Total time: 59:31 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 19075851632 | Recorded: 2018

The orchestra l'arte del mondo under the direction of Werner Ehrhardt presents two world premiere recordings of the Silesian composer Anton Zimmermann (1741-1781) on its new CD. Not much is known about the composer's short life, which lasted barely 40 years. What is certain, however, is that Zimmermann lived in Bratislava in the early 1770s and became a key figure in the cultural upswing there. He founded and organized the court orchestra of the prince primate of Hungary, Joseph von Batthyányi. His orchestra quickly developed into one of the best sounding bodies in the entire Danube region. Zimmermann composed a large number of works for the regular concerts. His impressive compositional oeuvre includes sonatas, concertos and stage works as well as some 40 symphonies.
Simone Kermes, Werner Ehrhardt, L'Arte del Mondo - Joseph Martin Kraus: La Primavera - Cantate per una primadonna (2008)

Simone Kermes, Werner Ehrhardt, L'Arte del Mondo - Joseph Martin Kraus: La Primavera - Cantate per una primadonna (2008)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 451 Mb | Total time: 76:35 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Phoenix | # 101 | Recorded: 2007

That the four main works on this disc have never been recorded before is no reflection on the quality of the music or the composer. Joseph Martin Kraus, the German-born composer-contemporary of Mozart's working in Sweden, was all but forgotten after his death in 1792 and recordings of his works have been few and far between. And his four Italian cantatas on this disc were nearly completely forgotten after the death of the soprano they were written for in 1790.
Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Johann Abraham Peter Schulz: Peters Bryllup (2015)

Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Johann Abraham Peter Schulz: Peters Bryllup (2015)
EAC | FLAC | Tracks (Cue & Log) ~ 307 Mb | Total time: 70:07 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88843017602 | Recorded: 2013

Das Orchester l'arte del mondo unter der Leitung von Werner Ehrhardt ist immer auf der Suche nach herausragenden musikalischen Wiederentdeckungen und sorgt mit den Weltersteinspielungen in der Reihe »Opern aus den Archiven der Welt« immer wieder für Aufsehen.
Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Johannes Matthias Sperger: Symphonies (2016)

Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Johannes Matthias Sperger: Symphonies (2016)
EAC | FLAC | Tracks (Cue & Log) ~ 339 Mb | Total time: 62:35 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88875056172 | Recorded: 2014

Johannes Matthias Sperger was born in Feldsberg in 1750 and trained in Vienna as a contrabassist and composer from 1767. He worked from 1777 in the Hofkapelle of the Archbishop of Pressburg. From 1778 he was also a member in the Wiener Tonkünstlersozietät, in whose concerts he appeared several times with his own works and as soloist. From 1783 to 1786, Sperger was a member of the Hofkapelle of count Ludwig von Erdödy in Kohfidisch. From 1789 he was employed as first contrabassist of the Mecklenburg Schwerin Hofkapelle in Ludwigslust.
Werner Ehrhardt, L'Arte del mondo - Ernst Eichner: Symphonies (2009)

Werner Ehrhardt, L'Arte del mondo - Ernst Eichner: Symphonies (2009)
EAC | FLAC | Tracks (Cue & Log) ~ 273 Mb | Total time: 58:45 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Capriccio | # 5021 | Recorded: 2008

Ernst Eichner (1740 – 1777) was one of the early masters of symphonic composition whose work had a lasting effect on other composers.
Céline Moinet, L'arte del mondo & Werner Ehrhardt - Bach: Oboe Concertos (2019)

Céline Moinet, L'arte del mondo & Werner Ehrhardt - Bach: Oboe Concertos (2019)
EAC Rip | FLAC (tracks+log+.cue) - 315 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 140 Mb | Digital booklet | 00:59:06
Classical | Label: Berlin Classics

Céline Moinet is often asked why she decided to become an oboe player. She was adamant: she did not want to play a brass or stringed instrument or even a piano – it had to be woodwind. After having begun, as most children do, with the recorder, she turned at age 7 to the oboe, which had captivated her from the word go. On her new album she takes a look at Johann Sebastian Bach: "Here, the oboe becomes the narrator."
Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Christoph Willibald Gluck: La clemenza di Tito (2014)

Werner Ehrhardt, L'arte del mondo - Christoph Willibald Gluck: La clemenza di Tito (2014)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 1.16 Gb | Total time: 52:18+41:15+78:16+41:17 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Deutsche Harmonia Mundi | # 88843031432 | Recorded: 2013

The opera is starring countertenor Valer Sabadus - one of opera's most exciting newcomers - now exclusively signed to Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, a division of Sony Classical. Christoph Willibald Gluck, widely known for fundamentally reforming the 'opera seria' wrote some of the greatest and exemplary masterpieces of this great genre before he started his famous reform of the opera. This makes this work a fascinating and enlightening piece in the puzzle for the evolution of opera and the eminent character Gluck. Gluck's setting of La Clemenza was first performed in Naples in 1752, ten years before his first reform opera.

Antologia del Fiume Azzurro  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Barvaz at Sept. 11, 2020
Antologia del Fiume Azzurro

Antologia del Fiume Azzurro by Thomas Taragni
Italian | 2020 | ISBN: n/a | 75 pages | PDF | 2.9 MB

Giorgio Merola - L’arte del salto triplo  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Nov. 29, 2023
Giorgio Merola - L’arte del salto triplo

Giorgio Merola - L’arte del salto triplo
Italiano | 2023 | 250 pages | ISBN: 8859033551 | EPUB | 1,1 MB

Quanto il successo nello sport dipende dall’allenamento e quanto dalla motivazione e dall’autocontrollo? Se pratichi un’attività sportiva ― che sia a livello agonistico o amatoriale ― sai che dietro ogni movimento, dietro ogni progresso c’è una pratica lunga e impegnativa, fatta di allenamenti, tentativi, successi, delusioni, sudore e impegno. La ricerca del gesto perfetto non coinvolge né riguarda solo il corpo, ma anche la mente. Alla base di qualunque traguardo personale c’è la conoscenza di sé, che spinge a migliorarsi, e la resilienza, che permette di rialzarsi anche dopo una sconfitta. Per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi non è sufficiente allenare il corpo: è indispensabile conoscere i circuiti Mentali più insidiosi che possono compromettere i tuoi risultati, migliorare il senso di autoefficacia e di fiducia nelle tue abilità, imparare a controllare la tua energia e conoscere i tuoi limiti.

Roland Ennos - L’età del legno  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at Nov. 30, 2021
Roland Ennos - L’età del legno

Roland Ennos - L’età del legno
Italiano | 2021 | 288 pages | ISBN: 8806250582 | EPUB | 13,4 MB

«Le fondamenta del nostro rapporto con il legno risiedono nelle sue straordinarie proprietà. È un materiale strutturale versatile che non ha paragoni in tal senso. È più leggero dell'acqua, eppure, a parità di peso, è duro, tenace e resistente come l'acciaio e resiste alla trazione e alla compressione. È facile da sagomare, visto che si spacca facilmente nel senso della venatura, ed è abbastanza tenero da essere tagliato, soprattutto quando è verde. Si trova in formati abbastanza grandi da sorreggere una casa, ma può essere tagliato in utensili delle dimensioni di uno stuzzicadenti. Può durare secoli, se mantenuto costantemente asciutto o umido, o anche bruciare, per tenerci al caldo, per cuocere il cibo e per azionare innumerevoli processi industriali. Con tutti questi vantaggi, il ruolo centrale del legno nella storia dell'umanità non appare solo comprensibile, ma inevitabile..