Un témoignage de première main sur la vie quotidienne des Ukrainiens depuis le début de l'invasion russe déclenchée le 24 février 2022. L'écrivaine et photographe explique comment les habitants de Kiev, dont sa famille fait partie, vivent sous les bombes, dans une ville assiégée. Elle raconte le silence des rues éventrées, la solitude dans les bunkers, la sidération mais aussi l'espoir qui renaît. …
« Un tatouage effacé suffit-il pour échapper au passé ? »
En 2021, en Europe, une série de cyberattaques cible des laboratoires de biologie médicale, sous le nom de « Grand renouveau ».
Alors que le Service du Maintien de l’Ordre (S.M.O) instaure la terreur et que ses agents traquent les contrevenants aux nouvelles lois sanitaires, les disparitions mystérieuses se multiplient. …
The violinist, cellist, flutist and oboist Robert Valentine (Leicester, 1671 - Rome, 1747) was a prolific author of sonatas - especially for recorder - and an instrumentalist engaged in the musical life of Rome, the city where he moved, in a period between 1693 and 1700, from his native England. Valentine belonged to a group – not very large but quite important for their excellent performative qualities – of virtuosos of wind instruments (oboe and also flute) who in the first half of the eighteenth century moved to Italy, also to make up for some shortage of instrumentalists in this sector, even if recent researches show, especially in Naples, a great vivacity of local schools even for what concerns wind musicians. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, between Rome, Naples and Florence, we discover the presence of at least four foreign instrumentalists: the oboists / flutists Ignatio Rion (active in Venice, Rome and finally in Naples), Ignazio Sieber (Venice), Ludwig Erdmann (Florence) and finally Robert Valentine. The work of this English-born musician greatly fostered the development of flute music in Italy. His work as a composer and performer places him among the most prolific authors of original music for recorder of the period.
Three classic albums from NWOBHM stalwart and former Iron Maiden vocalist Paul Di’Anno. Includes his two mid-80s albums as Battlezone where he was joined by Tokyo Blade’s John Wiggins. Plus his later band Killers, caught live in 2000.
„It can be truly said of Adelaide di Borgogna that, like a rose, it bloomed but a day - l’espace d’un matin.” First performed in Rome on the 27th December 1817, it enjoyed very few revivals. In 2011 the Rossini Festival in Pesaro presented the second staged performance of Adelaide di Borgogna since 1825.