Lady Death The Beginning (fcbd) (2012)

Lady Death - Himno a la Blasfemia #1  Comics

Posted by Coda at Sept. 3, 2022
Lady Death - Himno a la Blasfemia #1

Lady Death - Himno a la Blasfemia #1
Coffin Comics, 2019 | Spanish | CBR | 64 páginas | 55.4 MB
Autores: Brian Pulido, Mike MacLean, Diego Bernard

A raíz de los trágicos eventos revelados en Lady Death "Scorched Earth", la villanía de nivel de extinción de The Trinity amenaza a la humanidad, Halo Corporation amenaza a Lady Death y The Hellbourne Sect parece ser el titiritero detrás de todo. ¿Cómo superará todo esto Lady Death? ¿Lo hará?

Brian Pulido's Lady Death - Queen of the Dead  Comics

Posted by Coda at June 21, 2019
Brian Pulido's Lady Death - Queen of the Dead

Brian Pulido's Lady Death - Queen of the Dead
Avatar, 2007 | Spanish | CBR | 25 páginas | 18.2 MB

Lady Death The Wild Hunt 0-2  Comics

Posted by Lebedev30 at Aug. 14, 2017
Lady Death The Wild Hunt 0-2

Lady Death The Wild Hunt 0-2
English | CBR | 3 Volumes | 27.8 Mb

Lady Death: El Guantelete (The Gauntlet) #1-2  Comics

Posted by Coda at Sept. 8, 2018
Lady Death: El Guantelete (The Gauntlet) #1-2

Lady Death: El Guantelete (The Gauntlet) #1-2
Chaos!, 2002 | Spanish | CBR | 2 núm. | 49.0 MB Total
Autores: Pulido, Ostrander, Mota

Lady Death se encuentra VIVA y de nuevo en el planeta Tierra, en la ciudad de Nueva York, sin recuerdo alguno de quién es, excepto su nombre. Se ha hecho amiga de VIRGIL SOLOMON, el fantasma de un ex-detective de la policía asesinado, quien a su vez, es amigo de la joven SARAH WILSON, rescatada de los amos de la oscuridad y su avatar, EL OSCURO.

Lady Death - The Oddysey 0-4  Comics

Posted by Lebedev30 at Aug. 11, 2017
Lady Death - The Oddysey 0-4

Lady Death - The Oddysey 0-4
English | CBR | 5 Volumes | 67 Mb

Lady Death - The Wicked 0.5-1  Comics

Posted by Lebedev30 at Aug. 11, 2017
Lady Death - The Wicked 0.5-1

Lady Death - The Wicked 0.5-1
English | CBR | 2 Volumes | 24 Mb

Lady Death The Rapture 1-4  Comics

Posted by Lebedev30 at Aug. 13, 2017
Lady Death The Rapture 1-4

Lady Death The Rapture 1-4
English | CBR | 4 Volumes | 44.9 Mb

Lady Death The Gauntlet 1-2  Comics

Posted by Lebedev30 at Aug. 13, 2017
Lady Death The Gauntlet 1-2

Lady Death The Gauntlet 1-2
English | CBR | 2 Volumes | 12.8 Mb

Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan Talon Harris 1999  Comics

Posted by Kochet at July 28, 2019
Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan Talon Harris 1999

Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan Talon Harris 1999
CBR | 12.6 MB

Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan (Talon Harris 1999  Comics

Posted by Kochet at July 28, 2019
Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan (Talon Harris 1999

Vampirella vs Lady Death The Revenge Ashcan (Talon Harris 1999
CBR | 12.6 MB