Est-ce un objet magique ? Ou simplement une parure ? Ce bracelet aux couleurs éclatantes est fabriqué de façon traditionnelle en Amérique du Sud. Rien de plus simple à faire : il vous faut du fil de coton, des ciseaux, une épingle de nourrice.
Grâce à ce nouveau Simplissime, voici comment créer 19 bijoux uniques et originaux !
Notamment de très jolis bracelets…
The Style Council's albums were always weighed down by their far-reaching musical ambitions, which meant that their ideas were usually best heard on their singles. And while this period of Paul Weller's career has been criticized heavily, he wrote several excellent songs during the Style Council, most of which are featured on the fine compilation The Singular Adventures of the Style Council. Not all of the 16 songs are first-rate, as it begins to lose steam toward the end of the band's life, but "My Ever Changing Moods," "You're the Best Thing," "Long Hot Summer," "Shout to the Top!," "A Solid Bond in Your Heart," "Money Go Round," "Walls Come Tumbling Down," and "Speak Like a Child" are terrific, and make the collection worthwhile for fans of the Jam and Weller's solo career, as well as fans of New Romantic new wave and jazzy sophisti-pop.