Recueil de chroniques parues dans la presse ou inédites autour de la musique classique : anecdotes sur la vie des compositeurs et des musiciens, coulisses de concerts et secrets de composition. …
How to read Ronsard today? Simply aloud or in singing it, like back then. Because, for Ronsard, nothing is more obvious than to unite music and poetry: “I also want you to encourage you to pronounce your verses loudly in your room, when you do them, or sooner sing them, whatever voice can have. » Ronsard, Abbrégé de l’Art poétique françois, 1565 As soon as the collection of Loves was published, it was fashionable for a composer to set these poems to music. To quote the most famous: Goudimel, Certon, and of course Janequin. But long after death of the poet, many composers have continued to do so: Bizet, Saint-Saëns, Ravel, Poulenc… It is because Ronsard’s texts have no no age; Pick the roses of life today is a principle immortal. Julien Joubert reads poetry every day, aloud and even the most often while singing. It was therefore only natural that he lean on the work by Ronsard.
Panorama de la musique occidentale du Moyen Age à nos jours. La musique occidentale se distingue des musiques éthniques par son évolution liée à son système de notation. Cette musique savante, vocale ou instrumentale, accompagne les sociétés dans leurs rituels et festivités. …
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre is one of the most remarkable female musical figures in history. Rarely has a woman composer garnered such esteem in her own time, and her success, rather than provoking resentment in the hearts of her contemporaries, inspired the utmost admiration. One has to give credit to the Grand Siècle, a unique period in this regard, for granting Élisabeth the respect she truly deserved. This recording features works seldom heard but nonetheless of exceptional quality, exemplifying two genres in which Jacquet de La Guerre excelled: the French cantata and the suite for harpsichord. In these, we can discover the intrinsic and timeless value of her artistry, regardless of the anecdotal aspects of the historical and social conditions in which they were created.
Un guide d'initiation à la musique classique pour en faciliter l'accès aux profanes et enrichir sa culture musicale. Il propose, au travers de cent chefs-d'oeuvre, de découvrir les coulisses de leur composition, les interprétations célèbres, des indications pour apprendre à les écouter et des informations sur leur signification et leur importance culturelle. Avec le portrait de dix compositrices. …
Recueil de textes dans lequel le compositeur raconte ses souvenirs, de ses débuts d'apprenti à la gloire en passant par ses premiers succès. Riche en anecdotes et en traits d'esprit, il évoque Richard Wagner, Hans von Bülow ou Arnold Schönberg et plonge le lecteur dans l'Allemagne musicale du début du XXe siècle, où se croisent Cosima Wagner, Johannes Brahms et Johann Strauss. …