"Aquarela do Brasil," an unofficial anthem of Brazil, may have received literally thousands of different version and interpretations, but even then, Egberto and Brazilian percussionist Naná Vasconcelos (his sole accompanist here) were able to devise an extremely original version, which opens with an unassuming stylized samba introduction, slowly bringing elements which conduce the listener to the piece's identification. Egberto is very fond of percussive attacks and ethereal configurations, both acquiring superior importance in his music, not being necessarily attached to or supportive for a musical theme or melody. Therefore, the next defined melody presented (in the low strings of his 10 string violão) is at track six, "Bianca," which is a complex yet lyrical construction based in which seems a folkloric rhythm motif…
When Kenny Wheeler expatriated from his native Canada to England, it was not headline news. But upon the release of Gnu High, he became a contemporary jazz figure to be recognized, revered and admired. Playing the flugelhorn exclusively for this, his ECM label debut, Wheeler's mellifluous tones and wealth of ideas came to full fruition. Whether chosen in collaboration with label boss Manfred Eicher or by Wheeler alone, picking pianist Keith Jarrett, bassist Dave Holland and drummer Jack DeJohnette was a stroke of genius. They support the elongated and extended notions of Wheeler's in many real and important ways. What is also extant is a sense of self-indulgence, real for listeners with short attention spans…
Look no further than the title to summarize this New Orleans veteran's music on his first studio set in nearly a decade. Bookending the album with the two-part "Shake Your Booty/Funky Thing" ensures that the proceedings start and end with the rump-shaking, horn-propelled R&B that, along with jazz, soul, and blues, makes Walter "Wolfman" Washington's music so much a part of his Crescent City home. He's never been particularly prolific, but after the long span between releases - partially due to the effects and aftereffects of Hurricane Katrina - the Wolf sounds electrified and inspired here. The second track, "I'm Back," tells that story against an urgent groove that keeps the party atmosphere while recounting the hurricane's devastation and his attempts to get the city and its people to return to a place that will never be the same…
Jean-Pierre Filiu offre à lire une histoire du monde arabe depuis l'expédition d'Égypte en 1798 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Il montre de façon magistrale que l'histoire des Arabes est intimement liée à la nôtre, celle de l'Occident, de l'Europe, de la France, et que ces deux siècles souvent tragiques et sanglants sont aussi l'histoire d'une émancipation et d'une libération.
Depuis des décennies, l'actualité offre l'image d'un monde arabe sombrant dans la violence et le fanatisme. …
Il y a ceux qui se prosternent devant le moindre gadget, qui l'élèvent au rang de « Progrès » à majuscule. Et d'autres qui cherchent de nouveaux chemins pour un progrès humain.
Il y a ceux qui rêvent d'un « vaste réseau numérique neural », de « digitalisation » et de « capteurs » partout. Et d'autres qui redoutent ce futur à la Matrix. …
C'est un grand professionnel du petit écran : voici près de dix ans que vedettes et personnalités défilent sur son plateau. Et quel que soit le jugement que l'on porte à son égard, il faut admettre que son émission épouse un certain air du temps. Etudier le discours qui lui est attaché, en exhiber les traits originaux, c'est éclairer les passions et les angoisses de notre société. …
Le philosophe s'efforce de montrer Dieu dans toutes ses dimensions, qu'elles soient éthique, religieuse, historique ou morale. …