The city of Belém, in the Northern state of Pará in Brazil, has long been a hotbed of culture and musical innovation. Enveloped by the mystical wonder of the Amazonian forest and overlooking the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, Belém consists of a diverse culture as vibrant and broad as the Amazon itself. Amerindians, Europeans, Africans - and the myriad combinations between these people - would mingle, and ingeniously pioneer musical genres such as Carimbó, Samba-De-Cacete, Siriá, Bois-Bumbás and bambiá. Although left in the margins of history, these exotic and mysteriously different sounds would thrive in a parallel universe of their own.
In the late 1950s, the Doo Wop era began in a small subway arcade shop located beneath the Walgreen's Drug Store at Broadway and 42nd Street in New York City. Jerry Greene, a young teenager from Brooklyn, would travel to Times Square in search of records he heard on the Alan Freed radio show. One of his favorite stops was a costume jewelry store that strangely enough, also sold records - twenty for a dollar.
Digitally remastered and expanded edition. An 'Even Bloodier Edition' of the legendary psychobilly album Blood On The Cats which was originally issued in 1983 on Cherry Red's Anagram label. Featuring the original album which successfully combined music from UK psychobilly scene leaders The Meteors, The Sting-Rays and The Guana Batz, US pioneers Panther Burns, Irish punks The Outcasts, gothabilly rockers Alien Sex Fiend and even horror rocker Screaming Lord Sutch to create a suitably psychotic blend. Psychobilly was one of the biggest youth cults of the 1980s, remembered for the followers' gravity-defying quiffs and aggressive "wrecking" dance. The music became an adrenalized mix of rockabilly and punk featuring lyrics often inspired by horror and science fiction films. 'Blood On The Cats' was the first compilation to try to define psychobilly and many fans' first exposure to a genre that, at that stage, was still unformed, being part of a worldwide movement inspired by punk but devoted to primitive rock 'n' roll of the 1950s and 1960s.