Maren Sellmann

Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Oct. 27, 2023
Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing

Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing by Eujin Pei, Alain Bernard, Dongdong Gu, Christoph Klahn, Mario Monzón, Maren Petersen, Tao Sun
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 994 Pages | ISBN : 3031207513 | 371.9 MB

This Handbook is the ultimate definitive guide that covers key fundamentals and advanced applications for Additive Manufacturing. The Handbook has been structured into seven sections, comprising of a thorough Introduction to Additive Manufacturing; Design and Data; Processes; Materials; Post-processing, Testing and Inspection; Education and Training; and Applications and Case Study Examples. The general principles and functional relationships are described in each chapter and supplemented with industry use cases. The aim of this book is to help designers, engineers and manufacturers understand the state-of-the-art developments in the field of Additive Manufacturing. Although this book is primarily aimed at students and educators, it will appeal to researchers and industrial professionals working with technology users, machine or component manufacturers to help them make better decisions in the implementation of Additive Manufacturing and its applications.

«Pigerne fra Nordsletten 3 - Troldmanden» by Line Kyed Knudsen  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at April 17, 2020
«Pigerne fra Nordsletten 3 - Troldmanden» by Line Kyed Knudsen

«Pigerne fra Nordsletten 3 - Troldmanden» by Line Kyed Knudsen
Dansk | ISBN: 9788702098860 | EPUB | 0.2 MB

Silk Weavers of Hill Tribe Laos: Textiles, Tradition, and Well-Being  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by l3ivo at Oct. 24, 2021
Silk Weavers of Hill Tribe Laos: Textiles, Tradition, and Well-Being

Joshua Hirschstein, Maren Beck, Joe Coca, "Silk Weavers of Hill Tribe Laos: Textiles, Tradition, and Well-Being"
English | 2017 | ISBN: 0997216891 | 224 pages | EPUB | 119.2 MB
Du kannst mich einfach nicht verstehen: Warum Männer und Frauen aneinander vorbeireden (repost)

Deborah Tannen, Maren Klostermann, "Du kannst mich einfach nicht verstehen: Warum Männer und Frauen aneinander vorbeireden"
2012 | ASIN: B007YLVP02 | ISBN: 3442161088 | 464 pages | AZW3, MOBI, PDF, EPUB | 5 MB

Vincent Cespedes, "Mélangeons-nous : Enquête sur l'alchimie humaine"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at July 2, 2020
Vincent Cespedes, "Mélangeons-nous : Enquête sur l'alchimie humaine"

Vincent Cespedes, "Mélangeons-nous : Enquête sur l'alchimie humaine"
2018 | ISBN: 2956134868 | Français | EPUB | 333 pages | 0.4 MB

« Se mélanger socialement, ce n’est pas prendre un bain de foule, c’est prendre un bain d’autres, ayant chacun un visage, un nom, une dignité ». Rompant avec l’individualisme crispé sur les faux bonheurs de la culture de masse, Mélangeons-nous invite à une rencontre respectueuse et créative avec cet homme, cette femme, cet étranger, capables de nous transformer et de nous conduire jusqu’à des versants ignorés de nous-même.Plus encore qu’un hymme à l’ouverture, Mélangeons-nous est un manifeste pour les années à venir. …

Kiran Millwood Hargrave - Vardø. Dopo la tempesta  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at July 2, 2020
Kiran Millwood Hargrave - Vardø. Dopo la tempesta

Kiran Millwood Hargrave - Vardø. Dopo la tempesta
Italiano | 2020 | 336 pages | ISBN: 8854518077 | EPUB | 0,9 MB

1617, Norvegia nordorientale. In una funesta vigilia di Natale, il mare a Vardø si è improvvisamente sollevato e una folgore livida ha sferzato il cielo. Quando la tempesta si è acquietata in uno schiocco di dita, così com'era arrivata, le donne si sono raccolte a riva per scrutare l'orizzonte. Degli uomini usciti in barca non vi era, però, nessun segno. Quaranta pescatori, dispersi nelle gelide acque del Mare di Barents. Alla ventenne Maren Magnusdatter, che ha perso il padre e il fratello nella burrasca, e a tutte le donne di Vardø non resta dunque che un solo compito: mettere a tacere il dolore e cercare di sopravvivere. Quando l'inverno allenta la presa e le provviste di cibo sono quasi esaurite nelle dispense, le donne non si perdono d'animo: rimettono le barche in mare, riprendono la pesca, tagliano la legna, coltivano i campi, conciano le pelli. Spinte dalla necessità, scoprono che la loro unità può generare ciò che serve per continuare a vivere..
Transferences: The Aesthetics and Poetics of the Therapeutic Relationship (Psychoanalytic Horizons)

Transferences: The Aesthetics and Poetics of the Therapeutic Relationship (Psychoanalytic Horizons) by Maren Scheurer
October 3, 2019 | ISBN: 150135244X | English | 336 pages | EPUB | 1 MB
Through the Prism of Gender and Work: Women’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th C

Selin agatay, "Through the Prism of Gender and Work: Women’s Labour Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, 19th and 20th C"
English | ISBN: 9004682465 | 2023 | 616 pages | PDF | 81 MB

«Søde Sally Sukkertop og andre ækle æventyr 3» by Rune T. Kidde  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Oct. 5, 2019
«Søde Sally Sukkertop og andre ækle æventyr 3» by Rune T. Kidde

«Søde Sally Sukkertop og andre ækle æventyr 3» by Rune T. Kidde
Dansk | ISBN: 9788771463804 | EPUB | 1.1 MB

«Den forunderlige æbleskivepande» by Kirsten Mejlhede  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Gelsomino at Oct. 7, 2019
«Den forunderlige æbleskivepande» by Kirsten Mejlhede

«Den forunderlige æbleskivepande» by Kirsten Mejlhede
Dansk | ISBN: 9788726124170 | EPUB | 2.3 MB