With the 1968 album Miles in the Sky, Miles Davis explicitly pushed his second great quintet away from conventional jazz, pushing them toward the jazz-rock hybrid that would later become known as fusion. Here, the music is still in its formative stages, and it's a little more earth-bound than you might expect, especially following on the heels of the shape-shifting, elusive Nefertiti. On Miles in the Sky, much of the rhythms are straightforward, picking up on the direct 4/4 beats of rock, and these are illuminated by Herbie Hancock's electric piano – one of the very first sounds on the record, as a matter of fact – and the guest appearance of guitarist George Benson on "Paraphernalia." All of these additions are tangible and identifiable, and they do result in intriguing music, but the form of the music itself is surprisingly direct, playing as extended grooves. This meanders considerable more than Nefertiti, even if it is significantly less elliptical in its form, because it's primarily four long jams.
Trumpeter, bandleader, composer, and one of the most important figures in jazz music history, and music history in general. Davis adopted a variety of musical directions in a five-decade career that kept him at the forefront of many major stylistic developments in jazz. Winner of eight Grammy awards…
If you are familiar with the fragile, faltering trumpet sound Miles Davis revealed on his return to music in 1982 the first thing that will strike you here is that by 1985 the 'prince of darkness' had his strength and his embouchure back. By '85 Miles is both up to it and up for it. As are his band. Seasoned tenor firebrand Bob Berg and guitarist John Scofield share the frontline; Darryl Jones deploys his industrial strength funk bass to maximum effect and Miles' nephew Vince Wilburn Jr. proves that the drum kit Davis bought him as a Star kid was a sound investment. As always with Miles the set list is drawn from contemporaneous releases: Star People (1983), Decoy (1984) and predominantly You're Under Arrest (1985). Performed on July 28, 1985 at Yomiuri Land, Open Theatre East, Inagi, Japan and broadcast on NHK radio.