Morgenlicht Rundfunkchor Berlin

Michael Gläser, Rundfunkchor Berlin - Louis Spohr: Mass Op. 54, Psalms Op. 85 (1993)

Michael Gläser, Rundfunkchor Berlin - Louis Spohr: Mass Op. 54, Psalms Op. 85 (1993)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 199 Mb | Total time: 48:20 | Scans included
Classical | Label: CPO | # 999 149-2 | Recorded: 1991

With the Mass op. 54 for five solo voices and two five-part choirs and the Three Psalms op. 85, we present Spohr's sacred a cappella choral music. Spohr has also achieved something new and extraordinary in this field In the 1821 mass, for example, there are echoes of the Russian Orthodox liturgy which Spohr had become acquainted with during an early trip to Russia. Nothing academic adheres to the works collected here; it is rather expressive music of the highest content, and only Mendelssohn and Brahms were later to write choral music of similar perfection It is sung by the Rundfunkchor Berlin under the direction of Michael Glaeser and Dietrich Knothe.
Gijs Leenaars, Rundfunkchor Berlin & Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin - Verdi: Quattro Pezzi Sacri (2022)

Gijs Leenaars, Rundfunkchor Berlin & Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin - Verdi: Quattro Pezzi Sacri (2022)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 200 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 142 Mb | Digital booklet | 01:01:45
Classical, Sacred, Choral | Label: Sony Classical

Verdi was on a war footing with the Catholic Church from a very early age. It is true that he was brought up to believe in God, as was usual in Italy at that time, and it is no less true that his first music teacher, Ferdinando Provesi, was the organist at the Church of San Bartolomeo in Busseto, but when the then sixteen-year-old composer applied for the post of church musician in the town in 1829, his application was rejected – not because his musical abilities were in any way deficient but because he was regarded as a protégé of Antonio Barezzi, a local businessman with a reputation for his anti-clerical views. He fared little better when he submitted his first sacred works – a Laudate pueri, a Qui tollis and two settings of the Tantum ergo – in the early 1830s, when the Church authorities complained that the music sounded “theatrical, lascivious, bellicose and indecorous” . In short, it was hardly calculated to foster a sense of piety and devotion.

Simon Rattle: The Berlin Years [45CD Box Set] (2024)  Music

Posted by Discograf_man at March 13, 2025

Simon Rattle: The Berlin Years [45CD Box Set] (2024)

Simon Rattle: The Berlin Years [45CD Box Set] (2024)
MP3 320 Kbps | Run Time: 01:22:33:12 | 6.28 Gb
Genre: Classical | Label: PLG UK Classics

The chemistry between tradition and innovation powered Sir Simon Rattle’s relationship with the Berliner Philharmoniker, above all during his time as the orchestra’s Chief Conductor and Artistic Director (2002-2018). As the successor to Wilhelm Furtwängler, Herbert von Karajan and Claudio Abbado, his mission was to take this pre-eminent musical institution into the 21st century.
Rundfunkchor Berlin & Gijs Leenaars - Bruckner: Mass No. 2 in E Minor - Stravinsky: Mass (2020)

Rundfunkchor Berlin & Gijs Leenaars - Bruckner: Mass No. 2 in E Minor - Stravinsky: Mass (2020)
FLAC tracks +booklet | 52:59 | 199 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: PentaTone

The Rundfunkchor Berlin, led by its chief conductor Gijs Leenaars and accompanied by wind players from the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, presents masses by Bruckner and Stravinsky. The mass is arguably the oldest genre in music history, full of traditions, but also an inexhaustible soil for originality and innovation. This mix of tradition and innovation makes the genre an ideal vehicle for Bruckner and Stravinsky, who were both masters at blending the old and new into a uniquely personal musical idiom. Bruckner’s Mass in E Minor and Stravinsky’s Mass share their unusual orchestrations of almost a cappella voices with a sparse, extraordinary wind accompaniment. While Bruckner was inspired by open air “country masses”, Stravinsky’s Mass is emblematic of his neo-classical style. The Rundfunkchor Berlin is one of the most established German choirs, and has participated in several PENTATONE releases of Wagner operas, as well as a recording of Bruckner’s Mass in F Minor (2013) and Richard Strauss’s Die Tageszeiten (2015).
Melody Moore, Stefan Pop, Lester Lynch, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin & Carlo Montanaro - Puccini: Tosca (2023)

Melody Moore, Stefan Pop, Lester Lynch, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin & Carlo Montanaro - Puccini: Tosca (2023)
WEB FLAC (tracks) - 457 Mb | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 256 Mb | Digital booklet | 01:59:44
Classical, Opera | Label: Pentatone

The Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin and conductor Carlo Montanaro present a powerful interpretation of Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca, together with a cast of soloists including Melody Moore (Tosca), Ștefan Pop (Cavaradossi) and Lester Lynch (Scarpia). Tosca has been an audience favourite from the onset. Premiered in 1900, it marks the beginning of twentieth- century opera, in which sex, violence and the uncanny abysses of the human psyche would be explored, inspiring composers to expand the musical means of expression in all thinkable ways.

Rundfunkchor Berlin - Brahms (2019)  Music

Posted by ciklon5 at May 2, 2019
Rundfunkchor Berlin - Brahms (2019)

Rundfunkchor Berlin - Brahms (2019)
FLAC (tracks) | 52:53 | 224 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: Sony Classical

Zeit seines Lebens hat sich Johannes Brahms mit der Chormusik beschäftigt. Als Chorleiter in Detmold, Hamburg und Wien sowie als Komponist, der ein riesiges weltliches und geistliches Chorwerk hinterlassen hat. Zu seinen bedeutendsten Kompositionen für Chor und Orchester gehört neben seinem "Deutschen Requiem" auch das 1871 komponierte "Schicksalslied" op. 54 für gemischten Chor und Orchester. Diese in der Romantik wohl bedeutendste Vertonung einer Dichtung von Friedrich Hölderlin hat nun der Rundfunkchor Berlin für seine Aufnahme ausgewählt, mit der man das reiche Spektrum im Chorschaffen von Johannes Brahms absteckt. Unter der Leitung von Gijs Leenaars und zum Teil gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Symphonie-Orchester Berlin sind Werke für verschiedene Besetzungen zu hören, darunter die "Drei Gesänge" op. 42 für gemischten Chor a cappella sowie "Nänie" op. 82 für Chor und Orchester.
Juri Tetzlaff, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Steffen Tast - Humperdinck: Der Blaue Vogel (2022)

Juri Tetzlaff, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Steffen Tast - Humperdinck: Der Blaue Vogel (2022)
FLAC (tracks), Lossless | 1:27:58 | 312 Mb
Genre: Classical / Label: CapriccioNR

Maurice Maeterlinck completed his play The Blue Bird ("L’Oiseau bleu") in 1908. Several of his previous works had proved popular as operatic subjects (Pelléas et Mélisande and Ariane et Barbe-Bleue) so it's no wonder that composers jumped at the opportunity to set his latest creation to music.French composer Albert Wolff based an opera on the story, which premiered at the New York Met but subsequently fell into oblivion. Prior to that, in 1912, Max Reinhardt adapted it as a Christmas play and staged a production in Berlin, inviting no less a person than Engelbert Humperdinck to write the incidental music for it. The music was never published, but Steffen Tast eventually located the score and salvaged it for us all to enjoy. A sweet story and newly discovered music by Humperdinck that's sweeter still? Truly a recipe for a fairy-tale ending!
Vittorio Negri, Rundfunkchor Berlin - Antonio Vivaldi: Tito Manlio (1996)

Vittorio Negri, Rundfunkchor Berlin - Antonio Vivaldi: Tito Manlio (1996)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 1,17 Gb | Total time: 59:48+64:37+65:07+50:40 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Philips | # 446 332-2 | Recorded: 1977

In 1718 Vivaldi entered the employment of Prince Philip of Hesse-Darmstadt who had been appointed governor of Mantua, then part of the Austrian Empire. His responsibilities seem to have been varied but probably the most important of them was to provide operas for his employer’s court. One of these was Tito Manlio, which was produced for the Mantuan Carnival season in 1719; and, if we are to believe a note by Vivaldi himself at the head of the score, written in the space of five days.
Lothar Zagrosek, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin - Franz Schreker: Die Gezeichneten (2012)

Lothar Zagrosek, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin - Franz Schreker: Die Gezeichneten (2012)
XLD | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 735 Mb | Total time: 170:42 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Decca | 478 4157 | Recorded: 1993-1994

As part of Decca's acclaimed Entartete (German for Degenerate) series devoted to either suppressed or forbidden music during the first half of the 20th century, Franz Schreker's opera Die Gezeichneten (The Branded) is a period masterpiece. This story of a dying woman painter Carlotta betraying here longstanding faithful lover Alviano for a newer more physically attractive Tamare and the consequences that ensue is certainly intriguing. Lovers of expertly-crafted, infectiously beautiful orchestration however will simply rejoice in the massive 120+ member ensemble Schreker requires assembled here. All of the vocalists deliver energetic, passionate performances throughout and Decca's sound is state of the art. All in all a remarkable achievement!
Jerry Hadley, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Kent Nagano - Leonard Bernstein: Mass (2012)

Jerry Hadley, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Kent Nagano - Leonard Bernstein: Mass (2012)
WEB | FLAC (tracks) - 426 MB | 01:45:41
Genre: Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi

I am not an automatic fan of composer-led recordings, even when the composer is as great a conductor as Leonard Bernstein. However, after living with this newcomer for a while, I have to confess that it doesn’t quite match that classic version, even though it does a few things even better. On the plus side, there’s Kent Nagano’s swift and perky direction of some of the music-theater numbers, such as “God Said”, “World Without End”, and in general all of the music in and around the Gloria. But this can be a two-edged sword: The mechanized Credo has less impact than it could; a very quick tempo at the opening of the Agnus Dei prevents the chorus from ever sounding really angry and demanding; and the calamitous Dona Nobis Pacem simply lacks the bluesy sleaze that Bernstein himself wrings out of it. A slower tempo also would have allowed the music’s many layers to register with greater clarity.