It’s the most definitive collection of 50’s oldies music ever offered with teen idols, rockabilly rebels, music legends, love songs, instrumentals and novelties.
In 1958 a Los Angeles DJ named Art Laboe coined the term “Oldies But Goodies.” Art had a great idea – why not put all the rock and roll records that teenagers really loved on one LP. That was the very first Oldies But Goodies album and it made rock and roll history. Now, Time Life offers the Ultimate Oldies But Goodies music collection. This oldies collection includes 8 Oldies But Goodies CDs plus two absolutely FREE CDs with 30 songs, totaling 10 CDs with 158 songs and a 32 page booklet.
A collection of 6 CD, which includes all the studio albums by American alternative rock band from Sacramento at the moment. Best-known for their ubiquitous hit "The Distance," Cake epitomized the postmodern, irony-drenched aesthetic of '90s geek rock. Their sound freely mixed and matched pastiches of widely varying genres – white-boy funk, hip-hop, country, new wave pop, jazz, college rock, and guitar rock – with a particular delight in the clashes that resulted. Their songs were filled with lyrical non-sequiturs, pop-culture references, and smirky satire, all delivered with bone-dry detachment by speak/singing frontman John McCrea. Cake's music most frequently earned comparisons to Soul Coughing and King Missile, but lacked the downtown New York artiness of those two predecessors; instead, Cake cultivated an image of average guys with no illusions and pretensions about their role as entertainers. At the same time, critics lambasted what they saw as a smugly superior attitude behind the band's habitual sarcasm.
It’s the most definitive collection of 50’s oldies music ever offered with teen idols, rockabilly rebels, music legends, love songs, instrumentals and novelties.
In 1958 a Los Angeles DJ named Art Laboe coined the term “Oldies But Goodies.” Art had a great idea – why not put all the rock and roll records that teenagers really loved on one LP. That was the very first Oldies But Goodies album and it made rock and roll history. Now, Time Life offers the Ultimate Oldies But Goodies music collection. This oldies collection includes 8 Oldies But Goodies CDs plus two absolutely FREE CDs with 30 songs, totaling 10 CDs with 158 songs and a 32 page booklet.
Liv Kristine Espenæs (born 14 February 1976) is a Norwegian singer who has performed and composed songs mostly for various subgenres of heavy metal music. She started her career in the music industry as a vocalist for the gothic metal band Theatre of Tragedy, and is the former lead vocalist for the symphonic metal band Leaves' Eyes…