Un double CD Diapason d'or à retrouver dès aujourd'hui en kiosque avec le numéro de février de Diapason.
This set is a must have not only for the hardcore fans of Demis Roussos, but also for anyone with deep interest in pop music in general, and for any collector. The set actually consist not 28, but 31 original solo Demis Roussos albums (3 of them are added as bonuses), plus many non-album bonus tracks and rarities. The variety of musical styles represented here, covering 40 years of recording solo career is so vast, and the voice and the arrangements are so different in the respective periods and genres, that makes one wonders is this the same artist on all these recordings. Prog-rock, psychedelic, ethno pop, folk, reggae, real American disco, euro pop, funk, Latin vibes, krautrock, techno pop, French chansons and German Schlagers, new age, soul, vintage rock…and all this sung with a voice ranging from soaring warble, trough powerful full bodied sound, to gravelly soulful Joe Cocker – like delivery.
Throughout most of his professional life, Johann Sebastian Bach composed cantatas for use at church services: it is thought that he probably wrote at least 300 such works. Some 200 of these are still extant, of which the earliest hail from Bach's time as organist in Arnstadt (1703-07) and the last were composed only a year or two before his death in 1750. In 1995, when Masaaki Suzuki and his Bach Collegium Japan began the monumental journey of recording the cantatas, they decided to follow in Bach's footsteps.
Fritz Wunderlich's lyricism, boundless musicianship and exquisite diction made him one of the great tenors of the 20th century. In September 2016, DG will commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death with the release of Complete Studio Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon, a comprehensive 32CD box set of sacred works, opera and operetta, lieder and popular song. The collection includes Decca, Philips and Polydor recordings as well, several appearing internationally for the first time.
The Second Volume of Leonard Bernsteins complete recorded legacy on Deutsche Grammophon: an original jackets collection in an LP-size box with deluxe book, taking in some of his most famous and celebrated recordings. The set comprises Bernsteins complete recordings of composers from Mahler (19 CDs) to Wagner. Includes all of Bernsteins recordings of Mendelssohn, Mozart, Puccini, Schubert, Schumann, Shostakovich, Sibelius, Strauss, Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky. This repertoire is supplemented by the five American Decca CDs, with performances and analyses of Beethovens Erocia, Schumanns Second, Dvoraks New World, Brahmss Fourth and Tchaikovskys Pathetique.
The new boxset release from Vladimir Cosma following on from Volumes 1 & 2. This release has 17CD's in a hardbox and contains 58 soundtracks which are unpublished and rare.
The box contains a perfect overview of VIVARTE’s legendary catalogue of ancient music ranging from Vivaldi to Brahms. Most of the recordings received critical acclaim all over the world, many of them won prestigious awards and many are reference recordings.
The Schlager Club 2017 brings you both home and lets your party become a perfect night. It shows itself again very flexibly, whether Apres ski, carnival or the next Mallorca season, with this compilation you are well equipped for all 3 party phases.
L'état d'esprit de développement, la clé de la réussite !
Durant ses nombreuses années de recherche en psychologie, Carol Dweck a découvert l’existence de deux états d’esprit bien distincts.
Pensez-vous que votre intelligence est une donnée innée, que vous ne pouvez pas vraiment modifier ? Pensez-vous ne pas pouvoir changer les composantes essentielles de votre personnalité ? …