Old Man's War John Scalzi

The Best Modern Tanks of the World: Unique modern and old world war technology  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Free butterfly at Sept. 19, 2021
The Best Modern Tanks of the World: Unique modern and old world war technology

The Best Modern Tanks of the World: Unique modern and old world war technology by William S. Carson
English | 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0933PGHHT | 69 pages | EPUB | 1.84 Mb

«Old Man's War» by John Scalzi  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Oct. 31, 2019
«Old Man's War» by John Scalzi

«Old Man's War» by John Scalzi
English | ISBN: 9781509864546 | MP3@64 kbps | 9h 55m | 272.7 MB

«The Last Colony» by John Scalzi  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Nov. 2, 2019
«The Last Colony» by John Scalzi

«The Last Colony» by John Scalzi
English | ISBN: 9781509864560 | MP3@64 kbps | 9h 51m | 270.8 MB

John Scalzi is Not a Rapist  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by DZ123 at March 2, 2024
John Scalzi is Not a Rapist

Richard Milhous Scalzi, the Special Bear Club, "John Scalzi is Not a Rapist: A Respected Grand Master of Science Fiction Refutes Certain Allegations Made by a Devoted but Mistaken Fan"
English | 2015 | ASIN: B01511HHOO | EPUB | pages: 41 | 0.3 mb

Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Ossane at March 4, 2017
Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi

Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi
English | 2016 | ISBN: 1596068124 | 142 pages | PDF | 2.88 MB

Welcome to Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi.
These four stories, along with fourteen other pieces, have one thing in common: They’re short, sharp, and to the point - science fiction in miniature, with none of the stories longer than 2,300 words. But in that short space exist entire universes, absurd situations, and the sort of futuristic humor that propelled Scalzi to a Hugo with his novel Redshirts. Not to mention yogurt taking over the world (as it would).

«Das Syndrom» by John Scalzi  Audiobooks

Posted by Gelsomino at Aug. 16, 2019
«Das Syndrom» by John Scalzi

«Das Syndrom» by John Scalzi
Deutsch | ISBN: 9783943864779 | MP3@64 kbps | 9h 29m | 260.5 MB

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 1"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at March 23, 2021
John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 1"

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 1"
2021 | ASIN: B08T5R5NLJ | Français | MP3@64 kbps | 9 hrs 14 mins | 189.4 MB

"J'ai fait deux choses le jour de mes soixante-quinze ans : je suis allé sur la tombe de ma femme. Puis je me suis engagé."…

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 6"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Sept. 6, 2021
John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 6"

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 6"
2021 | ASIN: B092W6NLX6 | Français | MP3@64 kbps | 11 hrs 52 mins | 289 MB

Le temps a passé depuis l'époque où la Terre alimentait docilement les Forces de défense coloniale en main-d'œuvre.
Bientôt, l'Union sera à court de soldats, laissant les colonies humaines vulnérables face aux peuples du Conclave, qui n'attendent que le premier signe de faiblesse pour détruire l'humanité à genoux. …

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 2 : Les brigades fantômes"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at June 1, 2021
John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 2 : Les brigades fantômes"

John Scalzi, "Le vieil homme et la guerre 2 : Les brigades fantômes"
2021 | ASIN: B08WLZJVLV | Français | MP3@64 kbps | 10 hrs 54 mins | 212.3 MB

Tu t'appelles Jared. Ta mère est une cuve et ton esprit n'est pas le tien.
Tu as parlé à soixante secondes, marché à deux minutes et pris la navette à une heure dix.
Ton avenir ? Il ne t'appartient pas. À deux semaines, tu intégreras le corps d'élite des Forces de défense coloniale, les "Brigades fantômes"…

L'ultima colonia - John Scalzi  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Maroutan at May 26, 2019
L'ultima colonia - John Scalzi

L'ultima colonia - John Scalzi
Italiano | 2014 | 315 Pages | ISBN: 8898172443 | EPUB | 869 KB

Dopo anni passati a combattere per le Forze di Difesa Coloniale come soldato artificialmente potenziato, John Perry ha infine trovato un'oasi di pace in un universo violento. Un piccolo pianeta periferico dove vive con moglie e figlia servendo l'Unione Coloniale come semplice difensore civico. Un giorno però il passato bussa alla porta della sua fattoria: John e Jane, anche lei ex soldato delle FDC, sono stati scelti per guidare la colonizzazione di un nuovo pianeta in un'operazione che si prospetta da subito di grande importanza strategica per il futuro dell'Unione…