Oliver Shanti, also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Oliver Shanti & Friends" and "Inkarnation". "Oliver Shanti & Friends" is a collaborative New Age project led by Oliver Shanti together with his wife Margot Vogl and ever changing lineup of guest musicians from all over the world. Also a part of first regular lineup keyboard player Veit Wayman left in 1998. The project existed till 2003 and was effectively dissolved following the escape of Oliver Shanti during his prosecution.
Oliver Shanti, also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Oliver Shanti & Friends" and "Inkarnation". "Oliver Shanti & Friends" is a collaborative New Age project led by Oliver Shanti together with his wife Margot Vogl and ever changing lineup of guest musicians from all over the world. Also a part of first regular lineup keyboard player Veit Wayman left in 1998. The project existed till 2003 and was effectively dissolved following the escape of Oliver Shanti during his prosecution.
Oliver Shanti (born Ulrich Schulz 16 November 1948 in Hamburg, Germany), also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Inkarnation" and "Oliver Shanti & Friends".
Collection of collections of performers of style "New Age". There are such famous performers as Enigma, Era, Sacred Spirit, Deep Forest, Anugama, and little-known ones.