Kenneth Gilbert is one of today's most outstanding harpsichordists. On this recording of works by J.S. Bach, he uses two different instruments by a modern maker based on period examples. The difference in the sound accentuates the contrasts between the two large-scale works and the more intimate pieces.
Déménageant à Lyon avec sa femme et ses enfants, l'écrivain américain s'initie aux secrets de la cuisine française au sein de l'établissement La mère Brazier. Entre reportage et récit d'aventures culinaires, ce texte est riche d'observations et d'anecdotes humoristiques sur l'art de préparer les repas à la française. …[/quote
La Simphonie du Marais is offering you a masterpiece of the Baroque repertoire, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos. Hugo Reyne, now as the conductor, now as the recorder player, reveals the extent of Leipzig’s future cantor’s talent in a version «à la française» that allows ample room for the wind instruments.
« La culture du viol touche toutes les cultures, tous les pays. Elle présente cependant des particularités bien spécifiques selon le milieu dans lequel elle s exprime et se développe. En France, chaque fois que la question des violences sexuelles est posée dans le débat public, les mêmes réticences s expriment. …
The highly reputed Mouret lit up the Duchess of Maine's festivities with his Divertissements en Musique before becoming the official composer of the Comedie-Italienne in 1717, then artistic director of the Concert Spirituel in 1728. The Ensemble la Francaise invites us to discover his music's spontaneity, lightness and grace, as well as its dramatic expressivity, through his Airs a Danser from the Premier Livre (1734) and Concert de Chambre from the Second Livre (1738), along with a selection of motets that he composed for the Concert Spirituel in 1730.
The highly reputed Mouret lit up the Duchess of Maine's festivities with his Divertissements en Musique before becoming the official composer of the Comedie-Italienne in 1717, then artistic director of the Concert Spirituel in 1728. The Ensemble la Francaise invites us to discover his music's spontaneity, lightness and grace, as well as its dramatic expressivity, through his Airs a Danser from the Premier Livre (1734) and Concert de Chambre from the Second Livre (1738), along with a selection of motets that he composed for the Concert Spirituel in 1730.