This is the second volume of The Complete Hildegard von Bingen. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) was born the tenth child to a noble family and was dedicated at birth to the church. At age three she began to have visions of luminous objects, but soon realized she was unique in this ability and kept these visions secret for many years. Hildegard's religious education, which began at the age of eight, consisted of an ascetic life of prayer and contemplation. At a time when few women were accorded respect, she lived to become a highly respected writer, poet, composer and visionary sought after for her counsel by bishops, popes and kings.
"English for Advanced learners" is a short advanced English course developed to help students learn techniques to master fluency. The Classes are aimed at students who have a good level of communication but wish to improve aspects of pronunciation, develop intonation and improve vocabulary. The lecturers will help you understand how natives manage to speak fast and still maintain a high level of articulation and flow.