Pascal Schumacher’s style is a unique amalgam of jazz, classical and rock influences with a physicality to it a world away from the more polite chamber jazz reputation of his chosen instrument.
Hauschka's The Prepared Piano is the distillation of Erik Satie's stripped-down languor, John Cage's innovations, and Klimperei's toy pop. Or in other words: the prepared piano technique applied to simple tunes that have a childlike quality to them. Cage had desecrated and reinvented the bourgeois instrument par excellence in the 1940s, taping, screwing, and placing almost every small object possible on its strings to conjure up new sounds.
COLDPLAY's Platinum 7th album 'A Head Full Of Dreams' keeps getting bigger after it's already hit singles singles 'Adventure Of A Lifetime,' 'Hymn For The Weekend,' as well as 'Up&Up' and 'A Head Full Of Dreams'. This special edition repack includes a bonus disc with the popular Seeb remix of 'Hymn For The Weekend' and 5 classic tracks recorded live at Sydney's Enmore Theatre.
This album's color cover photo is an action shot, showing Magic Sam in the process of choking and bending his strings, a good hike up the fretboard. It isn't clear exactly what he is playing from the picture, although that certainly didn't stop dozens of pimply hippie guitar players from trying to figure it out. In the meantime, the record goes on and the first soloist out of the gate is Eddie Shaw, playing tenor sax. He is blowing over the top of an R&B riff that, although not out of the syntax of Chicago blues, would also have been quite fitting on a Wilson Pickett record. It is unfortunate that Magic Sam's recording career came to such an abrupt end, as he was one of the best artists working in the musical area between the urban blues tradition and newly developing soul music forms. This fusion was on the minds of many blues artists during the late '60s, and not just because it was aesthetically conceivable…