Berlin school meets space music. Ambient pings, electro drum machines and the strange dissonance of galactic static murmurs.
The opener 'Monolith' takes us on a resonating journey through silky smooth harmonic timbres. It's as if the mood of 'Transcendence' has spilled straight into this album. 'The Edge of Infinity' again plots a course through spatial sound phasing, accompanied by background sequences which mutate into an ambient beat with the utmost ease. It's deceptively simple and totally captivating, bringing to mind a blissed out Asana - such is the ear for infectious yet understated rhythm and melody…
Alpha Ralpha were a short-lived band with Michel Mareska on electric guitar, Claude Alvarez-Peryre on electric and acoustic guitars, Jean Alain Gardet on keyboards, Charlie Charriras on bass and Emmanuel Lacordaire on percussion. On their only album, four more musicians appeared: Francois Breant on piano and synth, Jean de Anthony and Claude Samard on guitars, and Jean-Jaques Goldman on vocals. Alvarez-Peryre, a co-founder of the group was a member of Malicorne, while Gardet and Goldman were the members of Tai Phong. The band released only one album, the self-titled LP released for Warner in Canada and France in 1977. Their music could be described as a mixture of jazz rock and French symphonic, where guitars are keyboards are carrying the melodies for the most part, with occasional usage of vibraphone and marimba, and vocal harmonies.