Quarks And Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics

Elementary Particle Physics: Concepts and Phenomena  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by ChrisRedfield at Aug. 11, 2017
Elementary Particle Physics: Concepts and Phenomena

Otto Nachtmann - Elementary Particle Physics: Concepts and Phenomena
Published: 1989-12-01 | ISBN: 3540504966, 3540516476 | PDF | 559 pages | 10.09 MB

Many-Particle Physics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at March 11, 2024
Many-Particle Physics

Many-Particle Physics by Gerald D. Mahan
English | PDF | 1990 | 1041 Pages | ISBN : 0306434237 | 70.4 MB

This textbook is for a course in advanced solid-state theory. It is aimed at graduate students in their third or fourth year of study who wish to learn the advanced techniques of solid-state theoretical physics. The method of Green's functions is introduced at the beginning and used throughout. Indeed, it could be considered a book on practical applications of Green's functions, although I prefer to call it a book on physics. The method of Green's functions has been used by many theorists to derive equations which, when solved, provide an accurate numerical description of many processes in solids and quantum fluids. In this book I attempt to summarize many of these theories in order to show how Green's functions are used to solve real problems. My goal, in writing each section, is to describe calculations which can be compared with experiments and to provide these comparisons whenever available. The student is expected to have a background in quantum mechanics at the level acquired from a graduate course using the textbook by either L. I. Schiff, A. S. Davydov, or I. Landau and E. M. Lifshiftz. Similarly, a prior course in solid-state physics is expected, since the reader is assumed to know concepts such as Brillouin zones and energy band theory. Each chapter has problems which are an important part of the lesson; the problems often provide physical insights which are not in the text. Sometimes the answers to the problems are provided, but usually not.

The Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics: For an Introductory Approach to Modern Physics  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by AvaxGenius at Dec. 12, 2023
The Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics: For an Introductory Approach to Modern Physics

The Fundamentals of Newtonian Mechanics: For an Introductory Approach to Modern Physics by Maurizio Spurio
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 403 Pages | ISBN : 3031472888 | 52 MB

Classical mechanics is the basis for any university-level study of technical-scientific disciplines. But most existing manuals use a technological and engineering approach, with basic aspects sometimes insufficiently highlighted. This book introduces the concepts and applications of classical mechanics into Newtonian formalism. Newtonian dynamics is useful for solving applied physics and engineering problems, but also a fascinating theory anchored in questions posed since the times of the Greek philosophers, regarding space, the flow of time, measurable physical quantities, the physical principles with the mathematical structure needed to describe the Universe, etc. The author aims to encourage students to think about these fundamental aspects and how they will be addressed in modern physics, including the successes and limitations of Newton's mechanics. The book is designed to mirror the progress of the students using it, with earlier chapters assuming no more than basic high school instruction and later ones geared toward subsequent enhanced understanding. The book is designed for students of undergraduate programs in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering who will deal with modern physics, as they will benefit from an approach in which the aspects of classical mechanics are introduced in a propaedeutic approach towards relativistic physics and quantum mechanics.
Many-Body Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics: Lecture Notes and Exercises for an Introductory Course

Many-Body Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics: Lecture Notes and Exercises for an Introductory Course (UNITEXT for Physics) by Jaime Merino, Alfredo Levy Yeyati
English | June 6, 2024 | ISBN: 3031551427 | 227 pages | MOBI | 37 Mb

Nonlinear Periodic Waves and Their Modulations: An Introductory Course  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Jeembo at July 28, 2018
Nonlinear Periodic Waves and Their Modulations: An Introductory Course

Nonlinear Periodic Waves and Their Modulations: An Introductory Course by A. M. Kamchatnov
English | 2000 | ISBN: 981024407X | 383 Pages | DJVU | 4.8 MB

Although the mathematical theory of nonlinear waves and solitons has made great progress, its applications to concrete physical problems are rather poor, especially when compared with the classical theory of linear dispersive waves and nonlinear fluid motion.

Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Oct. 23, 2019
Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions

Attilio Rigamonti, "Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions "
English | ISBN: 8847005590 | 2007 | 474 pages | PDF | 57 MB

Fundamentals of Optics: An Introductory Course  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by hill0 at Feb. 12, 2023
Fundamentals of Optics: An Introductory Course

Fundamentals of Optics: An Introductory Course
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1510657800 | 333 Pages | PDF | 41 MB

Many-Body Theory of Condensed Matter Systems: An Introductory Course  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at July 16, 2020
Many-Body Theory of Condensed Matter Systems: An Introductory Course

Michael G. Cottam, "Many-Body Theory of Condensed Matter Systems: An Introductory Course"
English | ISBN: 1108488242 | 2020 | 286 pages | PDF | 5 MB

Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions Ed 2  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at Oct. 21, 2019
Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions  Ed 2

Attilio Rigamonti, "Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 8847011280 | 2009 | 492 pages | PDF | 7 MB

A Course in Lens Design (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by roxul at Aug. 14, 2017
A Course in Lens Design (Repost)

Christian Velzel, "A Course in Lens Design"
English | ISBN: 9401786844 | 2014 | 334 pages | PDF | 8 MB