The little shrub "Damiana" is found in Mexico and South America. There it is very popular not only for it's yellow-orange blossoms and its beguiling fragrance: First of all "Damiana" is the plant of love. "Damiana" also inspired composer Gleisberg to the concept behind his album: This is the musical expression of his pantheistic philosophy of life, his universal love to people, animals and plants. Gleisberg's love of nature is also reflected in the classically trained musicians sensitive and multi-faceted compostions. In his music symphonic strucures, orchestral soundscapes, romantic moods and tender folky touches blend into a harmonic unity. With "Damiana" Gleisberg once more offers an album for connoisseurs of electronic instrumental music.
Nur wenige Werke der Musikgeschichte erfreuen sich so großer Beliebtheit wie die 1850 wiederentdeckten Sechs Brandenburgischen Konzerte von Johann Sebastian Bach. Diese dem Markgrafen Christian Ludwig von Brandenburg gewidmeten Konzerte wurden von der Hofkapelle München unter der musikalischen Leitung von Rüdiger Lotter in einer erfrischenden Interpretation neu eingespielt und bestechen durch ihre straffen Tempi. Zahlreiche bekannte Solisten wie Dorothee Oberlinger, Hille Perl, Rüdiger Lotter u. a. brillieren in den von Bach untereinander sehr unterschiedlich instrumentierten Konzerten.
Following his acclaimed first recording for Alpha Classics, Saga, the German baritone Konstantin Krimmel continues to tell us stories, with a programme focusing on Zauberoper or ‘magic opera’. Accompanied by the Hofkapelle München orchestra conducted by Rüdiger Lotter, Krimmel explores operas by Mozart, Salieri and Gluck, alongside less well-known titles by Paul Wranitzky and Peter von Winter: spectacular musical comedies from the eighteenth-century Viennese repertory, with their enchanted fairytale universe.
Rüdiger Oppermann grew up in the Palatinate. He received a classical education in piano and cello, besides playing electric guitar in a blues band. In 1973 he heard Alan Stivell, who motivated him to play the Celtic harp. In 1974 he had his first public appearance with a - self-built - harp. After school, he completed his studies as a social worker. He then traveled through Africa for a year in 1975/1976. By his own admission, this time has fundamentally determined his future life.
Two particularly spectacular personalities of the Baroque period, which was not short of exciting figures: Antonio Veracini, violin virtuoso, teacher and composer in Florence. Although he was a highly respected musician and teacher in his own time, only few of his works have survived. His nephew Francesco Maria, to whom he taught violin and composition, was a completely different type.