
Philippe Valode, "Shoah française, les responsables impunis : Vallat, Darquier, Bousquet et tous les autres"

Philippe Valode, "Shoah française, les responsables impunis : Vallat, Darquier, Bousquet et tous les autres"
2016 | ISBN: 2735703959 | Français | EPUB | 280 pages | 0.4 MB

Qui sont les responsables de la Shoah française ? Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas été punis à la hauteur de leurs crimes ?
Près de 79 000 juifs, français et étrangers vivant en France, sont morts entre 1940 et 1945, livrés par les autorités françaises, gazés, morts de fin et de maladie dans les camps français ou encore assassinés par la force militaire allemande et les milices. …

Hanna Yablonka, "Les Juifs d'Orient, Israël et la Shoah"  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by TimMa at Nov. 8, 2021
Hanna Yablonka, "Les Juifs d'Orient, Israël et la Shoah"

Hanna Yablonka, "Les Juifs d'Orient, Israël et la Shoah"
2016 | ISBN: 2702144659 | Français | EPUB | 360 pages | 0.5 MB

Au cours des vingt années qui suivirent la création d’Israël en 1948, une puissante vague d’immigrants juifs venus des pays arabes (Irak, Yémen, Libye, Égypte et Syrie) et du Maghreb s’établit dans l’État juif. Ils ont d’emblée le sentiment d’être mis à l’écart d’une société dominée par l’élément ashkénaze et, de fait, ont du mal à considérer comme faisant partie de leur histoire la Shoah, tragédie qui reste celle d’un monde ashkénaze qui les regarde souvent avec mépris. …
Stéphane Bruchfeld, Paul A Levine, "Dites-le à vos enfants. Histoire de la Shoah en Europe, 1933-1945"

Stéphane Bruchfeld, Paul A Levine, "Dites-le à vos enfants. Histoire de la Shoah en Europe, 1933-1945"
Français | 2000 | ISBN: 2841144925 | EPUB | 190 pages | 4.3 MB
Four Films After Shoah (1997-2013) [Masters of Cinema - Eureka!]

Four Films After Shoah (1997-2013) [Masters of Cinema - Eureka!]
DVD Video, 2 x DVD9 | NTSC 4:3 | 720x480 | 1hr 07mn + 1hr 42mn + 0hr 48mn + 3hr 38mn | 7.53 Gb + 7.60 Gb
French: Dolby AC3, 1 ch
Subtitles: English
Genre: Documentary, History, War | Director: Claude Lanzmann

Over a decade in the making, Claude Lanzmann’s nine-hour-plus opus is a monumental investigation of the unthinkable: the murder of more than six million Jews by the Nazis. Using no archival footage, Lanzmann instead focuses on first-person testimonies (of survivors and former Nazis, as well as other witnesses), employing a circular, free-associative method in assembling them. The intellectual yet emotionally overwhelming Shoah is not a film about excavating the past but an intensive portrait of the ways in which the past is always present, and it is inarguably one of the most important cinematic works of all time.
Vicente Cueva - Jorge Grundman - Shoah (2021) [Official Digital Download]

Vicente Cueva - Jorge Grundman - Shoah (2021) [Official Digital Download]
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/48 kHz | Front Cover | Time - 56:30 minutes | 622 MB
Classical | Label: Non Profit Music, Official Digital Download

Shoah for Solo Violin and Sacred Temple was written by spanish composer Jorge Grundman (1961-) to homage the Victims of Holocaust.
Nouvelle histoire de la Shoah - Alexandre Bande, Olivier Lalieu, Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat

Nouvelle histoire de la Shoah - Alexandre Bande, Olivier Lalieu, Pierre-Jérôme Biscarat
Français | 2021 | ISBN: 2379335214 | EPUB | 350 pages | 0.6 MB

Shoah  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Nice_smile) at Feb. 9, 2017

Shoah by Claude Lanzmann
English | 1985 | ISBN: 0394551427 | 212 Pages | PDF | 12.92 MB

A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism (Repost)  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by insetes at April 25, 2019
A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism (Repost)

A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism By Giulio Meotti
2010 | 428 Pages | ISBN: 159403477X | EPUB | 1 MB

Matteo Corradini - Luci nella Shoah. Le cose che mi hanno tenuto in vita nel buio  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by Karabas91 at March 13, 2023
Matteo Corradini - Luci nella Shoah. Le cose che mi hanno tenuto in vita nel buio

Matteo Corradini - Luci nella Shoah. Le cose che mi hanno tenuto in vita nel buio
Italiano | 2021 | 192 pages | ISBN: 8851184372 | EPUB | 20 MB

Esistono storie difficili da ascoltare, storie di uomini e donne che, a causa dell'odio altrui, sono stati privati di casa e affetti, uccisi o braccati come prede, hanno patito sofferenze e umiliazioni inimmaginabili. Le storie dei sopravvissuti alla Shoah sono così: racconti terribili e, purtroppo, veri. Ma oltre all'esperienza del dolore c'è qualcos'altro che accomuna le vittime del genocidio nazista, la speranza. Molti ricordano infatti di essere sfuggiti all'angoscia dei momenti più bui, aggrappandosi a ricordi, pensieri e oggetti che li tenevano ancorati al mondo com'era prima delle leggi razziali. Piccole fiammelle di speranza che hanno permesso ai deportati di resistere. Matteo Corradini ha raccolto alcune di queste vicende commoventi ed esemplari, e le ha raccontate attraverso un percorso fatto di oggetti quotidiani, passioni e sogni, alla ricerca di quella forza che ha sorretto milioni di perseguitati nel momento più difficile.

Pathos and Anti-Pathos in Shoah Literature and Historiography: Ruptured Affections  eBooks & eLearning

Posted by arundhati at July 26, 2023
Pathos and Anti-Pathos in Shoah Literature and Historiography: Ruptured Affections

Vanassche, "Pathos and Anti-Pathos in Shoah Literature and Historiography: Ruptured Affections "
English | ISBN: 3110757745 | 2022 | 350 pages | EPUB, PDF | 4 MB + 18 MB